السلام عليكم و لا يغلى عليكم شيء
هناك العديد ممن عندهم استراتيجيات ناجحة من تقاطع الاستوكاستيك و الماكد وووو لكن في بعض الاحيان لا تتفطن لاشاراة الدخول و في ناس تحاول ان تبرمج اكسبرت للاستراتيجية باغلى الاثمان لكن في الاخير و بعد زمن تصبح الاستراتيجية عديمة الجدوى فترمي بالاكسبرت في سلة المهملات
نحن كاخوة نبحث دائما لتسهيل الاشياء و الربح طبعا
قبل كل شيء انا أؤمن بالمؤشرات الموجودة في الميتا و لا اعطي اهمية كبيرة للمؤشرات الخارجية
من الان اذا كانت عندك استراتيجية تستعمل فيها المؤشرات ADX , CCI, CMO, Cycle, Force Index, MACD, Momentum, Moving average, OSMA, Parabolic SAR, Points Pivots, RSI, Stochastic, SuperTrend
تستطيع دمج اي مؤشر مع اخر كما تريد مثلا استراتيجيتي على الموفنج و الماكد سنفعل مؤشر الموفنج و الماكد و الباقي false عند تقاطع الماكد و اختراق الموفنج سيعطيك اشارة بيع او شراء مثلا كل المؤشرات لتحت سيعطيك اشارة بيع لفوق شراء واحد فوق و الاخر تحت neutral
سيساعدك كثيرا ان كنت مبتدأ او محترف ستضارب مع الاتجاه و سيوفر عليك جهد رؤية كل المؤشرات او برمجة اكسبرت سيوفر عليك الكثير
مثلا طريقة عمل المؤشرات :
عذرا ساقوم بوضع الشرح انجليزي اي حد يتعامل مع الاستراتيجيات و المؤشرات يعرف طريقة عمل الموفنج و الماكد و س س ا ...
لكن ساضع الطريقة :
Setting of the ADX indicator

The ADX indicator alone does not give buy or sell signals. By selecting this indicator, you will authorize the sending of signals only when the pair will be in trend (> 23) or a neutral signal will be sent if the ADX indicator falls below "ADX_ceil" while all other selected indicators were still in the same side
(ADX_Period : Period used to calculater the ADX indicator (13 by defaults
(ADX_Applied_Price : level 0 of the indicator (Normaly sets on 0
(ADX Ceil : Level starting from which the ADX indicator indicate if the pair is in trend or not (23 by defaults
Settings of the CCI indicator

"The CCI indicator gives a buy signal if CCI is higher than «max_ceil CCI» or lowers than "CCI_min_ceil
"The signal remains bullish / bearish as far as the CCI do not get below / above "CCI_Neutral_max_ceil" / "CCI_Neutral_min_ceil
" The level "CCI_max_ceil" should be higher than the level "CCI_Neutral_max_ceil" to make everything works
"The level "CCI_min_ceil" must be below the level "CCI_Neutral_min_ceil" to make everything works
(CCI_Period : Period used to calculate the CCI indicator (14 by defaults
(CCI_Applied_Price : level 0 of the indicator (Normaly sets on 0
CCI_max_ceil : Level at which the CCI indicator CCI offers a buy signal
CCI_min_ceil : Level at which the CCI indicator CCI offers a sell signal
CCI_Neutral_max_ceil : Level starting from which the CCI indicator CCI is getting neutral after buy signal
CCI_Neutral_min_ceil : Level starting from which the CCI indicator CCI is getting neutral after sell signal
(Setting of the CMO indicator (Chande Momentum Oscillator

The CMO indicator provides buy and sell signals based on the level 0. If the indicator is above 0, a buy signal is then given; If the indicator is below 0, a sell signal is then given
( A neutral signal is sent if the indicator enters into the overbought or oversold zone (Above "ADX max_ceil" or below "min_ceil ADX
(CMO_Length : Period used to calculate the CMO indicator (14 by defaults
(CMO_Applied_Price : level 0 of the indicator (Normaly sets on 0
CMO max_ceil : Level starting from which the CMO indicator indicates an overbought and is getting neutral
CMO_min_ceil : Level starting from which the CMO indicator indicates an oversold and is getting neutral
Settings of the Cycle indicator
The cycle indicator provides a buy signal if the Cycle is higher than the"Cycle up_ceil" or a sell signal if cycle is lower than the"Cycle_down_ceil.
Cycle up_ceil : Level starting from which the Cycle indicator offers a buy signal
Cycle_down_ceil : Level starting from which the Cycle indicator offers a sell signal
Settings of the Force Index indicator
The Force index indicator provides a buy signal if the indicator is higher than the "Force_Index up_ceil" or a sell signal if the indicator is lower than the "Force_Index_down_ceil
(Force_Index_Period : Period used to calculate the Force Index indicator (14 by defaults
Force_Index_MAMethod : This parameter is not fuctionning
(Force_Index_Applied_Price : level 0 of the indicator (Normaly sets on 0
Force_Index up_ceil : Level starting from which the Force Index indicator offers a buy signal
Force_Index_down_ceil : Level starting from which the Force Index indicator offers a sell signal
Settings of the MACD indicator

The MACD indicator gives a buy signal if the MACD is higher than the "MACD up_ceil"or a sell signal if the MACD is lower than the "MACD_down_ceil
MACD_fast_ema_period / MACD_slow_ema_period / MACD_slow_signa_period : Parameters of the MACD
MACD_Applied_Price : level 0 of the indicator (Normaly sets on 0)
MACD up_ceil : Level starting from which the MACD indicator offers a buy signal
MACD_down_ceil : Level starting from which the MACD indicator offers a sell signal
Setting of the Momentum indicator

"The Momentum indicator gives a buy signal if the Momentum is higher than the "Momentum_up_ceil"or a sell signal if the momentum is lower than the "Momentum_down_ceil
(Momentum_Period : Period used to calculate the Momentum indicator (14 by defaults
(Momentum_Applied_Price : level 0 of the indicator (Normaly sets on 0)
Momentum_up_ceil : Level starting from which the Momentum indicator offers a buy signal
Momentum_down_ceil : Level starting from which the Momentum indicator offers a sell signal
Settings of Moving averages indicator

Moving Average Indicator offers a buy signal if the Moving Average is bullish or a sell signal when the moving average is bearish. The moving average is recalculated each candlestick. As far as the moving average is bullish, the buy signal is validated; As far as the moving average is bearish, the sell signal is validated
MA_Period : Period used to calculate the moving average
Others parameters of this indicator aren't working
Settings of the OSMA indicator
The OSMA indicator offers a buy signal if OSMA is higher than the "OsMA_up_ceil"or a sell signal if OSMA is lower than the "OsMA_down_ceil. The indicator remains neutral if OSMA is between "OsMA_up_ceil" and "OsMA_down_ceil.
OsMA_Fast_EMA_Period / OsMA_Slow_EMA_Period / OsMA_Signal_Period : Parameters of the OsMA indicator
OsMA_Applied_Price : level 0 of the indicator (Normaly sets on 0)
OsMA_up_ceil : Level starting from which the OSMA indicator offers a buy signal
OsMA_down_ceil : Level starting from which the OSMA indicator offers a sell signal
Settings of the Parabolic SAR indicator

The Parabolic SAR indicator gives a buy signal if the indicator is bullish or a sell signal if this indicator is bearish
PSAR_step / PSAR_maximum : Parameters of Parabolic SAR indicator
Settings of Pivots Points indicator
Pivot Points indicator provides a buy signal if the price is above the daily pivot point or a sell signal if the price is below the daily pivot point
Settings of the RSI indicator

The RSI indicator gives a buy signal if RSI is higher than the "RSI_max_ceil"or a sell signal if RSI is lower than the "RSI_down_ceil. The indicator remains neutral if RSI is between "RSI_max_ceil" and "RSI_min_ceil. It is possible to set "RSI_max_ceil" and "RSI_min_ceil"at the same level (50
RSI_Period : Period used to calculate the RSI
RSI_Applied_Price : level 0 of the indicator (Normaly sets on 0)
RSI_max_ceil : Level starting from which the RSI indicator offers a buy signal
RSI_min_ceil : Level starting from which the RSI indicator offers a sell signal
Settings of the Stochastic indicator

The Stochastic indicator gives a buy signal if the Stochastic is above its moving average or a sell signal when the Stochastic is below its moving average
(Stoc_KPeriod / Stoc_DPeriod / Stoc_slowing: Parameters of the Stochastic indicator (period used
Stoc_MA_Method / Stoch_Price_Field : not working
Stoc_max_ceil : Level starting from which the Stochastic indicator gives a buy signal according to its moving average
Stoc_min_ceil : Level starting from which the Stochastic indicator gives a sell signal according to its moving average
Settings of the SuperTrend indicator

The SuperTrend indicator offers a buy signal if the SuperTrend is bullish or a sell signal if the SuperTrend is bearish
(SuperTrend_Nbr_Periods et SuperTrend_Multiplier : Parameters of the SuperTrend indicator (period used
عذرا لكن كان يجب اعادة كتابة طريقة العمل المبرمجة هي الاعدادات الحقيقية تقريبا دون تغيير
الان الواجهة الرئيسية
هذا الرقم هو تريد الاعتماد في الاشارة على كم مؤشر مثلا كتبت 3 اي بتوفر الاشارة ل3 مؤشرات سيعطيك اشارة دخول

ان شاء الله موفقين و الله مؤشر كنز لمن يفهمه ابني استراتيجيتك و هو سيرى في مكانك ليعطيك اشارتك
ضع كل المؤشرات في experts/indicators
و بعدها افتح المنصة و شغل مؤشر Multi-Indicator_V0.7
بالله اذا نقلتم المؤشر اذكروا المصدر افكس ارابيا و موفقين
نحن كاخوة نبحث دائما لتسهيل الاشياء و الربح طبعا
قبل كل شيء انا أؤمن بالمؤشرات الموجودة في الميتا و لا اعطي اهمية كبيرة للمؤشرات الخارجية
من الان اذا كانت عندك استراتيجية تستعمل فيها المؤشرات ADX , CCI, CMO, Cycle, Force Index, MACD, Momentum, Moving average, OSMA, Parabolic SAR, Points Pivots, RSI, Stochastic, SuperTrend
تستطيع دمج اي مؤشر مع اخر كما تريد مثلا استراتيجيتي على الموفنج و الماكد سنفعل مؤشر الموفنج و الماكد و الباقي false عند تقاطع الماكد و اختراق الموفنج سيعطيك اشارة بيع او شراء مثلا كل المؤشرات لتحت سيعطيك اشارة بيع لفوق شراء واحد فوق و الاخر تحت neutral
سيساعدك كثيرا ان كنت مبتدأ او محترف ستضارب مع الاتجاه و سيوفر عليك جهد رؤية كل المؤشرات او برمجة اكسبرت سيوفر عليك الكثير
مثلا طريقة عمل المؤشرات :
عذرا ساقوم بوضع الشرح انجليزي اي حد يتعامل مع الاستراتيجيات و المؤشرات يعرف طريقة عمل الموفنج و الماكد و س س ا ...
لكن ساضع الطريقة :
Setting of the ADX indicator

The ADX indicator alone does not give buy or sell signals. By selecting this indicator, you will authorize the sending of signals only when the pair will be in trend (> 23) or a neutral signal will be sent if the ADX indicator falls below "ADX_ceil" while all other selected indicators were still in the same side
(ADX_Period : Period used to calculater the ADX indicator (13 by defaults
(ADX_Applied_Price : level 0 of the indicator (Normaly sets on 0
(ADX Ceil : Level starting from which the ADX indicator indicate if the pair is in trend or not (23 by defaults
Settings of the CCI indicator

"The CCI indicator gives a buy signal if CCI is higher than «max_ceil CCI» or lowers than "CCI_min_ceil
"The signal remains bullish / bearish as far as the CCI do not get below / above "CCI_Neutral_max_ceil" / "CCI_Neutral_min_ceil
" The level "CCI_max_ceil" should be higher than the level "CCI_Neutral_max_ceil" to make everything works
"The level "CCI_min_ceil" must be below the level "CCI_Neutral_min_ceil" to make everything works
(CCI_Period : Period used to calculate the CCI indicator (14 by defaults
(CCI_Applied_Price : level 0 of the indicator (Normaly sets on 0
CCI_max_ceil : Level at which the CCI indicator CCI offers a buy signal
CCI_min_ceil : Level at which the CCI indicator CCI offers a sell signal
CCI_Neutral_max_ceil : Level starting from which the CCI indicator CCI is getting neutral after buy signal
CCI_Neutral_min_ceil : Level starting from which the CCI indicator CCI is getting neutral after sell signal
(Setting of the CMO indicator (Chande Momentum Oscillator

The CMO indicator provides buy and sell signals based on the level 0. If the indicator is above 0, a buy signal is then given; If the indicator is below 0, a sell signal is then given
( A neutral signal is sent if the indicator enters into the overbought or oversold zone (Above "ADX max_ceil" or below "min_ceil ADX
(CMO_Length : Period used to calculate the CMO indicator (14 by defaults
(CMO_Applied_Price : level 0 of the indicator (Normaly sets on 0
CMO max_ceil : Level starting from which the CMO indicator indicates an overbought and is getting neutral
CMO_min_ceil : Level starting from which the CMO indicator indicates an oversold and is getting neutral
Settings of the Cycle indicator

Cycle up_ceil : Level starting from which the Cycle indicator offers a buy signal
Cycle_down_ceil : Level starting from which the Cycle indicator offers a sell signal
Settings of the Force Index indicator

(Force_Index_Period : Period used to calculate the Force Index indicator (14 by defaults
Force_Index_MAMethod : This parameter is not fuctionning
(Force_Index_Applied_Price : level 0 of the indicator (Normaly sets on 0
Force_Index up_ceil : Level starting from which the Force Index indicator offers a buy signal
Force_Index_down_ceil : Level starting from which the Force Index indicator offers a sell signal
Settings of the MACD indicator

The MACD indicator gives a buy signal if the MACD is higher than the "MACD up_ceil"or a sell signal if the MACD is lower than the "MACD_down_ceil
MACD_fast_ema_period / MACD_slow_ema_period / MACD_slow_signa_period : Parameters of the MACD
MACD_Applied_Price : level 0 of the indicator (Normaly sets on 0)
MACD up_ceil : Level starting from which the MACD indicator offers a buy signal
MACD_down_ceil : Level starting from which the MACD indicator offers a sell signal
Setting of the Momentum indicator

"The Momentum indicator gives a buy signal if the Momentum is higher than the "Momentum_up_ceil"or a sell signal if the momentum is lower than the "Momentum_down_ceil
(Momentum_Period : Period used to calculate the Momentum indicator (14 by defaults
(Momentum_Applied_Price : level 0 of the indicator (Normaly sets on 0)
Momentum_up_ceil : Level starting from which the Momentum indicator offers a buy signal
Momentum_down_ceil : Level starting from which the Momentum indicator offers a sell signal
Settings of Moving averages indicator

Moving Average Indicator offers a buy signal if the Moving Average is bullish or a sell signal when the moving average is bearish. The moving average is recalculated each candlestick. As far as the moving average is bullish, the buy signal is validated; As far as the moving average is bearish, the sell signal is validated
MA_Period : Period used to calculate the moving average
Others parameters of this indicator aren't working
Settings of the OSMA indicator

OsMA_Fast_EMA_Period / OsMA_Slow_EMA_Period / OsMA_Signal_Period : Parameters of the OsMA indicator
OsMA_Applied_Price : level 0 of the indicator (Normaly sets on 0)
OsMA_up_ceil : Level starting from which the OSMA indicator offers a buy signal
OsMA_down_ceil : Level starting from which the OSMA indicator offers a sell signal
Settings of the Parabolic SAR indicator

The Parabolic SAR indicator gives a buy signal if the indicator is bullish or a sell signal if this indicator is bearish
PSAR_step / PSAR_maximum : Parameters of Parabolic SAR indicator
Settings of Pivots Points indicator

Settings of the RSI indicator

The RSI indicator gives a buy signal if RSI is higher than the "RSI_max_ceil"or a sell signal if RSI is lower than the "RSI_down_ceil. The indicator remains neutral if RSI is between "RSI_max_ceil" and "RSI_min_ceil. It is possible to set "RSI_max_ceil" and "RSI_min_ceil"at the same level (50
RSI_Period : Period used to calculate the RSI
RSI_Applied_Price : level 0 of the indicator (Normaly sets on 0)
RSI_max_ceil : Level starting from which the RSI indicator offers a buy signal
RSI_min_ceil : Level starting from which the RSI indicator offers a sell signal
Settings of the Stochastic indicator

The Stochastic indicator gives a buy signal if the Stochastic is above its moving average or a sell signal when the Stochastic is below its moving average
(Stoc_KPeriod / Stoc_DPeriod / Stoc_slowing: Parameters of the Stochastic indicator (period used
Stoc_MA_Method / Stoch_Price_Field : not working
Stoc_max_ceil : Level starting from which the Stochastic indicator gives a buy signal according to its moving average
Stoc_min_ceil : Level starting from which the Stochastic indicator gives a sell signal according to its moving average
Settings of the SuperTrend indicator

The SuperTrend indicator offers a buy signal if the SuperTrend is bullish or a sell signal if the SuperTrend is bearish
(SuperTrend_Nbr_Periods et SuperTrend_Multiplier : Parameters of the SuperTrend indicator (period used
عذرا لكن كان يجب اعادة كتابة طريقة العمل المبرمجة هي الاعدادات الحقيقية تقريبا دون تغيير
الان الواجهة الرئيسية

ان شاء الله موفقين و الله مؤشر كنز لمن يفهمه ابني استراتيجيتك و هو سيرى في مكانك ليعطيك اشارتك
ضع كل المؤشرات في experts/indicators
و بعدها افتح المنصة و شغل مؤشر Multi-Indicator_V0.7
بالله اذا نقلتم المؤشر اذكروا المصدر افكس ارابيا و موفقين
موفقين و لا تنسو اللايكات
لأنوا مازال الحصري
كلمة سر فك الضغط :