ممكن تقييم لشركة أنستا فوركس لكل من جرب معها
جديد المواضيع |
منتدى شركات الوساطة و موقع اف اكس كوميشن FXCOMMISSION القسم مخصص للحديث عن شركات الوساطة و برامجها و مزاياها و عيوبها و مشاكلها المتعددة..,اراء الاعضاء عن الشركات تعبر عن تجاربهم الشخصية و ليست اراء المنتدى ميتاتريدر ، ايفون ، منصة ، شركة فوركس ،شركة وساطة ، افضل شركة فوركس ، فوركس بروكر ، فوركس ، الفوركس ، منصة تداول ، افضل منصة . |
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أدوات الموضوع |
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المشاركة رقم: 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
المنتدى :
منتدى شركات الوساطة و موقع اف اكس كوميشن FXCOMMISSION
![]() ممكن تقييم لشركة أنستا فوركس لكل من جرب معها |
![]() ممكن تقييم لشركة أنستا فوركس لكل من جرب معها
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المشاركة رقم: 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
كاتب الموضوع :
المنتدى :
منتدى شركات الوساطة و موقع اف اكس كوميشن FXCOMMISSION
![]() صراحه لم اجرب .. ان شاءالله الاخوة سيفيدوك |
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المشاركة رقم: 3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
كاتب الموضوع :
المنتدى :
منتدى شركات الوساطة و موقع اف اكس كوميشن FXCOMMISSION
![]() حقيقه لم اجربها لكن لا انصح بها بشكل عام |
![]() حقيقه لم اجربها لكن لا انصح بها بشكل عام |
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المشاركة رقم: 4 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
كاتب الموضوع :
المنتدى :
منتدى شركات الوساطة و موقع اف اكس كوميشن FXCOMMISSION
![]() الاخ الفاضل |
![]() الاخ الفاضل
احذرك والاخوة فى هذا المنتدى والمنتديات الاخرى من التعامل مع هذه الشركة...........لانها نصب فى نصب وسوف اقوم بفتح موضوع مستقل فى كافة المنتديات لشرح تعاملى معهم فى الفترة السابقه وكيف ان الكلام المكتوب فى موقعهم وايضا القائمين على الدعايه لهم شئ والواقع شئ اخر تماما |
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المشاركة رقم: 5 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
كاتب الموضوع :
المنتدى :
منتدى شركات الوساطة و موقع اف اكس كوميشن FXCOMMISSION
![]() لو سمحت موقع شركة أنستا فوركس من أكثر المواقع اللي شوفتها بتعطي معلومات ومزايا والشركة فيها مريات كثيرة للأشتراك بها و انت بتحذر من االتعامل معها برجاء إفادتي في أقرب فرصة ولو ممكن تعطيني البديل لفتح حساب بقيمة صغيرة 10 $مثلا وشكرا |
![]() لو سمحت موقع شركة أنستا فوركس من أكثر المواقع اللي شوفتها بتعطي معلومات ومزايا والشركة فيها مريات كثيرة للأشتراك بها و انت بتحذر من االتعامل معها برجاء إفادتي في أقرب فرصة ولو ممكن تعطيني البديل لفتح حساب بقيمة صغيرة 10 $مثلا وشكرا
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المشاركة رقم: 6 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
كاتب الموضوع :
المنتدى :
منتدى شركات الوساطة و موقع اف اكس كوميشن FXCOMMISSION
![]() ما رأيكم في هدا التقييم
![]() ما رأيكم في هدا التقييم
![]() المصدر Companies that the FPA Scam Investigations Committee has investigated and blacklisted |
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المشاركة رقم: 7 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
كاتب الموضوع :
المنتدى :
منتدى شركات الوساطة و موقع اف اكس كوميشن FXCOMMISSION
![]() اخوان رجائا بدون فلسفة |
![]() اخوان رجائا بدون فلسفة
![]() الي يعرف اي شيئ يخص الشركة يذكره . بدون اتهامات واطلب من القائمين على المنتدى ان يحذفو اي ردود او مواضيع تشهير بسمعة اي شركة كانت بدون ذكر بينة او اثبات مادي مرئي مللنا من كلمة نصابة رجما بالغيب ![]() |
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المشاركة رقم: 8 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
كاتب الموضوع :
المنتدى :
منتدى شركات الوساطة و موقع اف اكس كوميشن FXCOMMISSION
![]() اللي قال أن شركة أنستا نصابة وقام بإيداع عنوان موقع دليل أنها نصابة ترجمة FPA members Yulia and Barunia both complained in FPA’s forums that InstaForex not only cancelled their signup bonuses, but also removed all profits from their accounts, refunding only their initial deposits. InstaForex’s representatives in our forums, Ekaterina and Anna claimed that Yulia and Barunia were the same person trying to take advantage of InstaForex’s $30 sign up bonus. As evidence, it was said that both accounts opened at about the same time and that both took the same trade on the same currency pair. Ekaterina then asked our AsstModerator to remove Yulia and Barunia’s complaints from the forums. The FPA also received at least 1 email from InstaForex demanding that Yulia and Barunia’s complaints be removed. He replied that InstaForex needed to provide some evidence, since the exact same thing could have happened if Yulia and Barunia were friends who traded together, subscribed to the same signals service, or if one person served as an account manager for the other. He said that if InstaForex could provide solid evidence that Yulia and Barunia did conspire to cheat InstaForex, the complaints would be removed and their FPA accounts would be terminated. Ekaterina promised evidence, but failed to deliver any. Lt. Gerard, one of our investigators, sent an email asking for evidence and got none. This put the FPA in a bad position, since InstaForex was paying for advertising on our website. The FPA is supported by advertising revenues. This lets us keep our Daily Signals, Reviews, Forums, and Scam Investigations and other member services 100% free. Suspending or canceling ads would cost each person here a portion of their salary. Since InstaForex claimed to have evidence, but had not given it after being asked, it was decided to suspend their advertising campaign with the FPA until the issue could be resolved. As an added incentive for them to provide the evidence, the FPA’s advertising company offered InstaForex a 5% bonus in the number of their ads we would run, if they could give the evidence they claimed to have. Gerard asked Yulia and Barunia for copies of the same ID cards that they used to open an account as well as for an explanation of why they had taken the same trade. Yulia and Barunia provided copies of the cards and explained that they were friends who decided to open accounts with InstaForex to take advantage of their signup bonus program. They were in contact with each other online after the accounts were active and both decided to place a trade on the same currency pair at the same time. InstaForex’s only response to repeated questions from Gerard was to point out that the agreement Yulia and Barunia both signed when joining included these two provisions… Rule 4: The client confirms that he/she receives the Welcome Bonus not for members of his/her family or friends but for himself/herself. The FPA can see that two people opening accounts at about the same time and placing the same trade would be suspicious. We can also see that two people who know each other might do the same thing. Ekaterina called them scammers and promised evidence to prove they are scammers. We can fully understand InstaForex wanting to check these accounts more closely, but are very disappointed that InstaForex would never provide any real proof.. Also note that there is no exclusion for 2 friends opening accounts at the same time and trading together, as long as the bonus and profits are intended for each of them individually. Rule 7. The company can cancel the Welcome Bonus in case of revealing unscrupulous usage of the bonus surcharge system. Again, InstaForex only gave enough information to be suspicious of the possibility of unscrupulous usage. InstaForex repeatedly failed to present any evidence to verify this claim. A reasonable person would expect proof, not just suspicions. One other important thing. Both traders did make a deposit that InstaForex refunded. If they really did cheat on the bonus (never proven), InstaForex would still owe both Yulia and Barunia a percentage of their profits based on the percent of the opening balance that their initial deposits represent. The FPA cannot stand by while a company takes money from traders based on suspicion alone. The FPA’s first definition of scam is… A brokerage refusing to return money that legitimately belongs to a trader. This includes not only direct failure to return money, but also things like brokerages suddenly declaring prior profitable trades to be nullified when the trader attempts to withdraw funds. InstaForex repeatedly failed to provide evidence they claimed to have. We have no choice in this circumstance but to believe that InstaForex does not really have any evidence. We cannot consider a broker that takes profits away from clients based solely on suspicions with no evidence to be anything but a scam. The FPA’s fifth definition of scam is… Other behavior that would be considered to be highly unethical by a reasonable individual. In this case, a brokerage publicly accused 2 traders of scam, cheating, and fraud in forums while refusing to present evidence they claim to have. Further, InstaForex representatives publicly and by email demanded that the complaints of these traders be censored. In the opinion of the FPA Scam Investigations Committee, this would be considered to be unethical by a reasonable person. InstaForex was given the choice of paying the traders what was owed to them or providing evidence to prove that they did not owe the money. InstaForex chose to do neither one. Gerard’s final request for real evidence resulted in InstaForex attacking the credibility of the FPA. Official FPA Scam Finding Yulia's Original Complaint Barunia's Original Complaint Additional discussion thread on this issue Special Note: There is a third trader who has complained about InstaForex. Our investigator waited to see if InstaForex could provide any evidence in that case. InstaForex says that she attempted to defraud them via referrals and that her high-risk, aggressive trading style somehow took advantage of an incorrect price feed, causing to cancel all of her trades. Later, InstaForex admitted that there was no price feed error and restored her profits. Details and Discissions of Aras194's Case Last edited by Scam Investigations Committee; 12-04-2008 at 12:22 PM. Share Reply With Quote Reply With Quote 11-26-2008, 01:12 PM #2 fxtender fxtender is offline Private Join Date Apr 2008 Location Las Vegas, NV Posts 23 Default Scams of InstaForex Good Job FPA!!! bravo! I don't really like the concept of 'policing' but if it doesn't take place then ALL the creeps and crooks C&C...will take advantage of the decent people. will it ever end??? fxtender:err: Last edited by AsstModerator; 11-26-2008 at 03:29 PM. Share Reply With Quote Reply With Quote 11-26-2008, 03:58 PM #3 Pharaoh's Avatar Pharaoh Pharaoh is offline Master Sergeant Join Date Oct 2007 Location Sunny Florida Posts 3,602 Default I see that Ekaterina and Anna must not be the only InstaForex people who can't answer simple, direct questions. Too bad for the FPA members who lost money. At least the scammers have been exposed and will find it a little harder to get customers now. Share Reply With Quote Reply With Quote 11-26-2008, 04:21 PM #4 yulia yulia is offline Private Join Date Nov 2008 Posts 17 Thumbs up Thank you very much FPA Dear FPA, I really appreciate your help very much, you have lost advantage from the advertising of instaforex because of me and Barunia I hope God Bless you always and FPA becomes greater in the next time. I would also say thank you to Pharaoh for his consern in our case since the beginning, I really appreciate it so much.. All the best Share Reply With Quote Reply With Quote 11-26-2008, 08:50 PM #5 Pharaoh's Avatar Pharaoh Pharaoh is offline Master Sergeant Join Date Oct 2007 Location Sunny Florida Posts 3,602 Default Yulia, I do appreciate your kind words. I'm always ready to step up and try to help a fellow trader in need. It's one of the reasons I spend most of my forum time here at the FPA instead of at some of the other forums. I hope you have far better luck with your next broker. Share Reply With Quote Reply With Quote ActivTrades - Forex, CFD, Futures. MT4 and MT5. No Commissions 3rd Party Advertisement Your banner here 11-27-2008, 02:55 AM #6 hardpippin hardpippin is offline Recruit Join Date Dec 2007 Location United Kingdom Posts 5 Wink Nice One FPA Every Industry I know has some sort of police and this one should be no different! If the FPA didn't stand up and help us with problems like this, then we are going to be screwed even more often by brokers and they will keep getting away with it.Well done FPA for sticking up for us! ;-) Share Reply With Quote Reply With Quote 11-27-2008, 12:55 PM #7 PistolDave's Avatar PistolDave PistolDave is offline Private, 1st Class Join Date Jun 2008 Location Paris, France Posts 58 Default Thank you Thanks to all of you guys from FPA Keep up the good work. It really helps to know there is someone "in our corner" when dealing with forex brokers. Since there is no regulation of this industry, we have to defend ourselves. Thanks, PistolDave Share Reply With Quote Reply With Quote 11-27-2008, 04:27 PM #8 ernest8fingers's Avatar ernest8fingers ernest8fingers is offline Sergeant Join Date Feb 2008 Location Hollywood, CA Posts 514 Default r u kidding? So basically -if I buy advertising here its cart-blanche to be a POS company that steals from its clients? This is exactly y I no longer support this forum-its to bad too. There are a lot of good members here-Its that same double standard that has helped tarnish the reputation and validity of this website.I hope u guys who run this site come back to reality and make it what it was and should be-a website dedicated to Forex and its traders-and not the religon of the almighty dollar! Good luck.:unhappy: Last edited by AsstModerator; 12-01-2008 at 06:59 AM. Reason: Removed full quote of first post in thread. E8F's words left unchanged. Share Reply With Quote Reply With Quote 11-28-2008, 03:09 AM #9 zloveme zloveme is offline Recruit Join Date Sep 2008 Posts 1 Default Scammers are dangerous. Felix, Are you sure any of us can pay for your wonderful works? No we cannot. Because the fight for justice is worth over a trillion dollars. Only God will repay You. Thank You ones more Last edited by zloveme; 11-28-2008 at 03:15 AM. Reason: I want to send a direct message to FPA, not a requoted message Share Reply With Quote Reply With Quote 11-30-2008, 10:51 AM #10 matfx matfx is offline Recruit Join Date Nov 2008 Posts 8 Default Thank you FPA for your hard works helping traders identifying broker scam. Share Reply With Quote Reply With Quote + Reply to Thread Page 1 of 5 123 ... Next LastLast « Previous Thread | Next Thread » LinkBacks (?) Trade What You See - Almost Naked Trading - Page 1186 @ Forex Factory Refback This thread 09-26-2011, 06:47 AM BROKER INSTA KENE HACK.TUKAR PASSWORD ANDA Refback This thread 09-21-2011, 05:44 AM ÃÎÑ ÎÈÑ .. instaforex ÊÏÎá ÞÇÆãÉ ÇáÔÑßÇÊ ÇáäÕÈ ÍÓÈ Çá FPA - ãäÊÏíÇÊ ÇáÌáÝÉ áßá ÇáÌÒÇÆÑí&# 237;ä æ ÇáÚÑÈ Refback This thread 07-11-2011, 04:46 AM ÇáÏÚã ÇáÚÑÈì áÔÑßÉ ÇäÓÊÇ ÝæÑßÓ - ÇáÕÝÍÉ 2 Refback This thread 06-08-2011, 04:03 PM Instaforex Refback This thread 05-16-2011, 10:18 AM [INFO] tentang press release CFTC mengenai broker ilegal - Page 6 - Kaskus - The Largest Indonesian Community Refback This thread 05-03-2011, 06:51 PM Forex Growth Bot Discussion - Page 79 | Myfxbook Refback This thread 04-15-2011, 02:37 AM InstaForex bonus Refback This thread 01-20-2011, 03:01 PM InstaForex - Open Discussion Board Refback This thread 01-10-2011, 02:04 AM NE! brokeri Refback This thread 09-08-2010, 02:59 PM Forums - 200,000 traders around the world have already chosen InstaForex Refback This thread 08-01-2010, 12:03 AM Instaforex.com - Page 12 - IndoHYIP.com - Portal Investor HYIP Indonesia Pingback This thread 07-19-2010, 06:46 AM InstaForex - Masterforex-V - Страни 09;†Ð° 18 Refback This thread 07-08-2010, 08:37 AM fxopen fxcm ikof insta£¬ÓÐÄÄЩÊÇ Ö±½Ó¶Ô¶Ä£¬²»ºÏ·¨µ 96;£¿ - ÆÚ»õ¡¢»õ±Ò - ¼ÑÀñ×ÛºÏÂÛ Ì³ÍøÂçÉçÇø ~ ÂíÀ´Î÷ÑÇÖÐ ÎÄÂÛ̳ Refback This thread 04-18-2010, 06:41 AM sign up bonuses @ Forex Factory Refback This thread 12-24-2009, 07:38 AM Who is the best forex broker?, Page 6 of a Discussion at GoldAge Forums Refback This thread 11-29-2009, 09:55 AM Insta Forex - Forex | Online Forex Trading | Currency Trading | Forex Broker - PostGoldForum Refback This thread 11-02-2009, 03:25 AM TRADING EMAS DAN FOREX SISTIM BAGI HASIL: Insta Forex SCAM ! Refback This thread 03-07-2009, 10:20 AM TRADING EMAS DAN FOREX SISTIM BAGI HASIL Refback This thread 02-15-2009, 06:14 PM Similar Threads Profits By euroforex in forum General Forex Talk Replies: 1 Last Post: 05-21-2010, 11:55 AM Fat-Forex-Profits.com By Administrator in forum Trading Systems Replies: 0 Last Post: 11-01-2009, 10:08 PM Self Adapting EA, Huge Profits By badthriller in forum Forex Affiliate Links Replies: 0 Last Post: 03-05-2009, 02:53 AM Profits are a sign of cheating By Scam Investigations Committee in forum Scam Alerts Folder Replies: 52 Last Post: 02-15-2009, 02:00 PM What to do with your Forex profits? By 3BlackCrows in forum Forex Articles Replies: 4 Last Post: 01-19-2008, 05:28 PM Online forex trading with leading online forex broker Tadawul FX Market forecasts, lessons, charts, and forum. 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The time now is 12:17 PM. الإنترنت الموارد «فوركس جيش السلام» ، التي تقع في forexpeacearmy.com هو مشروع احتيالي المجهول ، لكسب المال عن طريق ابتزاز شركات الوساطة. يتم وضع شرعية هذا التنظيم موضع شك : المشروع لا يوفر أي اتصال حقيقي ، باستثناء عنوان البريد الإلكتروني ، وليس لديها أية بيانات الموقع الحقيقي. ومن المعروف أن مؤسس ForexPeaceArmy في صفحة ويب تحت أسماء Chavkerov ديمتري ، فيليكس Homogratus والعملات الأجنبية النذل. لديه سمعة المحتال تحديد الأهداف لكسب المال بسهولة عن طريق المكائد في اتجاهين : ابتزاز ضد الشركات النامية ، وتقديم خدمات الوساطة في سوق العملات الأجنبية وبيعها للإشارات غير مهني لتجار العملة. هو actualized الاتجاه الأول في المشروع على الانترنت خداع «فوركس جيش السلام». نشاط فرانس برس هو تنظيم ما يسمى ب "التعتيم PR" حملات ضد السماسرة ناجحة : نشر افتراء ، والمواد والمعلومات التشهيرية detractive forexpeacearmy.com في موقعه على الانترنت ونشر لهم أيضا في الإنترنت لغرض الابتزاز القادم من الشركات التعتيم. ForexPeaceArmy توقف هجومهم إلا إذا دفع المال لذلك. ويتحقق إشارات بيع وهمية من قبل Homograqtus فيليكس والمتواطئين معه في عشرات المواقع احتيال. مع مرور الوقت ، والتجار بدء الاعتراف بأن يتم القبض عليهم من قبل النصابين. في هذه الحالة يجب على عجلات المتعاملين من ForexPeaceArmy خلق موارد جديدة للبيع الاشارات. بمجرد أن عددا من الذرائع لمشروع كبير جدا ، والمحتالين تغيير اسم والحفاظ على نشاطهم الاحتيالي تحته. للأسف ، هذه الأيام ، شركات الضحايا ليسوا قادرين على إقامة دعوى جنائية ضد هذا المشروع الغش ، لأن فرانس برس طلب عدم الكشف يحفظ مطلقة. بالإضافة إلى حقيقة أن النصابين لم يكن لديك أي عناوين حقيقية أو بيانات التسجيل ، وأنها تستخدم قدرات مقدمي المجهول لملء الإنترنت مع موادها دهان سوداء مع الإفلات من العقاب. بهدف منع المحتالين من إعلان المصير التاجر معظم المحافل المهنية للحظر مشيرا إلى ForexPeaceArmy وربط المشروع احتيالية. وانها مجرد تماما. مجتمع التجار الإنترنت كله 'فرانس برس ان يعرف والمبتزين والمتسكعين. هنا الروابط التي قدمها محرك البحث عند الاستفسار نظم «احتيال ForexPeaceArmy» : جديد! انقر على الكلمات أعلاه لعرض الترجمات البديلة. إزالة الترجمة من Google للمؤسسات:مجموعة أدوات المترجممترجم مواقع الويبمستكشف السوق العالمية إيقاف الترجمة الفوريةمعلومات عن الترجمة من Googleالجوالالخصوصيةمساعدةإرسال تعليقات |
![]() اللي قال أن شركة أنستا نصابة وقام بإيداع عنوان موقع دليل أنها نصابة
هذا هو رد شكة أنستا علي هذا العنوان Be aware of Forex Peace Army Scam والترجمة ترجمة FPA members Yulia and Barunia both complained in FPA’s forums that InstaForex not only cancelled their signup bonuses, but also removed all profits from their accounts, refunding only their initial deposits. InstaForex’s representatives in our forums, Ekaterina and Anna claimed that Yulia and Barunia were the same person trying to take advantage of InstaForex’s $30 sign up bonus. As evidence, it was said that both accounts opened at about the same time and that both took the same trade on the same currency pair. Ekaterina then asked our AsstModerator to remove Yulia and Barunia’s complaints from the forums. The FPA also received at least 1 email from InstaForex demanding that Yulia and Barunia’s complaints be removed. He replied that InstaForex needed to provide some evidence, since the exact same thing could have happened if Yulia and Barunia were friends who traded together, subscribed to the same signals service, or if one person served as an account manager for the other. He said that if InstaForex could provide solid evidence that Yulia and Barunia did conspire to cheat InstaForex, the complaints would be removed and their FPA accounts would be terminated. Ekaterina promised evidence, but failed to deliver any. Lt. Gerard, one of our investigators, sent an email asking for evidence and got none. This put the FPA in a bad position, since InstaForex was paying for advertising on our website. The FPA is supported by advertising revenues. This lets us keep our Daily Signals, Reviews, Forums, and Scam Investigations and other member services 100% free. Suspending or canceling ads would cost each person here a portion of their salary. Since InstaForex claimed to have evidence, but had not given it after being asked, it was decided to suspend their advertising campaign with the FPA until the issue could be resolved. As an added incentive for them to provide the evidence, the FPA’s advertising company offered InstaForex a 5% bonus in the number of their ads we would run, if they could give the evidence they claimed to have. Gerard asked Yulia and Barunia for copies of the same ID cards that they used to open an account as well as for an explanation of why they had taken the same trade. Yulia and Barunia provided copies of the cards and explained that they were friends who decided to open accounts with InstaForex to take advantage of their signup bonus program. They were in contact with each other online after the accounts were active and both decided to place a trade on the same currency pair at the same time. InstaForex’s only response to repeated questions from Gerard was to point out that the agreement Yulia and Barunia both signed when joining included these two provisions… Rule 4: The client confirms that he/she receives the Welcome Bonus not for members of his/her family or friends but for himself/herself. The FPA can see that two people opening accounts at about the same time and placing the same trade would be suspicious. We can also see that two people who know each other might do the same thing. Ekaterina called them scammers and promised evidence to prove they are scammers. We can fully understand InstaForex wanting to check these accounts more closely, but are very disappointed that InstaForex would never provide any real proof.. Also note that there is no exclusion for 2 friends opening accounts at the same time and trading together, as long as the bonus and profits are intended for each of them individually. Rule 7. The company can cancel the Welcome Bonus in case of revealing unscrupulous usage of the bonus surcharge system. Again, InstaForex only gave enough information to be suspicious of the possibility of unscrupulous usage. InstaForex repeatedly failed to present any evidence to verify this claim. A reasonable person would expect proof, not just suspicions. One other important thing. Both traders did make a deposit that InstaForex refunded. If they really did cheat on the bonus (never proven), InstaForex would still owe both Yulia and Barunia a percentage of their profits based on the percent of the opening balance that their initial deposits represent. The FPA cannot stand by while a company takes money from traders based on suspicion alone. The FPA’s first definition of scam is… A brokerage refusing to return money that legitimately belongs to a trader. This includes not only direct failure to return money, but also things like brokerages suddenly declaring prior profitable trades to be nullified when the trader attempts to withdraw funds. InstaForex repeatedly failed to provide evidence they claimed to have. We have no choice in this circumstance but to believe that InstaForex does not really have any evidence. We cannot consider a broker that takes profits away from clients based solely on suspicions with no evidence to be anything but a scam. The FPA’s fifth definition of scam is… Other behavior that would be considered to be highly unethical by a reasonable individual. In this case, a brokerage publicly accused 2 traders of scam, cheating, and fraud in forums while refusing to present evidence they claim to have. Further, InstaForex representatives publicly and by email demanded that the complaints of these traders be censored. In the opinion of the FPA Scam Investigations Committee, this would be considered to be unethical by a reasonable person. InstaForex was given the choice of paying the traders what was owed to them or providing evidence to prove that they did not owe the money. InstaForex chose to do neither one. Gerard’s final request for real evidence resulted in InstaForex attacking the credibility of the FPA. Official FPA Scam Finding Yulia's Original Complaint Barunia's Original Complaint Additional discussion thread on this issue Special Note: There is a third trader who has complained about InstaForex. Our investigator waited to see if InstaForex could provide any evidence in that case. InstaForex says that she attempted to defraud them via referrals and that her high-risk, aggressive trading style somehow took advantage of an incorrect price feed, causing to cancel all of her trades. Later, InstaForex admitted that there was no price feed error and restored her profits. Details and Discissions of Aras194's Case Last edited by Scam Investigations Committee; 12-04-2008 at 12:22 PM. Share Reply With Quote Reply With Quote 11-26-2008, 01:12 PM #2 fxtender fxtender is offline Private Join Date Apr 2008 Location Las Vegas, NV Posts 23 Default Scams of InstaForex Good Job FPA!!! bravo! I don't really like the concept of 'policing' but if it doesn't take place then ALL the creeps and crooks C&C...will take advantage of the decent people. will it ever end??? fxtender:err: Last edited by AsstModerator; 11-26-2008 at 03:29 PM. Share Reply With Quote Reply With Quote 11-26-2008, 03:58 PM #3 Pharaoh's Avatar Pharaoh Pharaoh is offline Master Sergeant Join Date Oct 2007 Location Sunny Florida Posts 3,602 Default I see that Ekaterina and Anna must not be the only InstaForex people who can't answer simple, direct questions. Too bad for the FPA members who lost money. At least the scammers have been exposed and will find it a little harder to get customers now. Share Reply With Quote Reply With Quote 11-26-2008, 04:21 PM #4 yulia yulia is offline Private Join Date Nov 2008 Posts 17 Thumbs up Thank you very much FPA Dear FPA, I really appreciate your help very much, you have lost advantage from the advertising of instaforex because of me and Barunia I hope God Bless you always and FPA becomes greater in the next time. I would also say thank you to Pharaoh for his consern in our case since the beginning, I really appreciate it so much.. All the best Share Reply With Quote Reply With Quote 11-26-2008, 08:50 PM #5 Pharaoh's Avatar Pharaoh Pharaoh is offline Master Sergeant Join Date Oct 2007 Location Sunny Florida Posts 3,602 Default Yulia, I do appreciate your kind words. I'm always ready to step up and try to help a fellow trader in need. It's one of the reasons I spend most of my forum time here at the FPA instead of at some of the other forums. I hope you have far better luck with your next broker. Share Reply With Quote Reply With Quote ActivTrades - Forex, CFD, Futures. MT4 and MT5. No Commissions 3rd Party Advertisement Your banner here 11-27-2008, 02:55 AM #6 hardpippin hardpippin is offline Recruit Join Date Dec 2007 Location United Kingdom Posts 5 Wink Nice One FPA Every Industry I know has some sort of police and this one should be no different! If the FPA didn't stand up and help us with problems like this, then we are going to be screwed even more often by brokers and they will keep getting away with it.Well done FPA for sticking up for us! ;-) Share Reply With Quote Reply With Quote 11-27-2008, 12:55 PM #7 PistolDave's Avatar PistolDave PistolDave is offline Private, 1st Class Join Date Jun 2008 Location Paris, France Posts 58 Default Thank you Thanks to all of you guys from FPA Keep up the good work. It really helps to know there is someone "in our corner" when dealing with forex brokers. Since there is no regulation of this industry, we have to defend ourselves. Thanks, PistolDave Share Reply With Quote Reply With Quote 11-27-2008, 04:27 PM #8 ernest8fingers's Avatar ernest8fingers ernest8fingers is offline Sergeant Join Date Feb 2008 Location Hollywood, CA Posts 514 Default r u kidding? So basically -if I buy advertising here its cart-blanche to be a POS company that steals from its clients? This is exactly y I no longer support this forum-its to bad too. There are a lot of good members here-Its that same double standard that has helped tarnish the reputation and validity of this website.I hope u guys who run this site come back to reality and make it what it was and should be-a website dedicated to Forex and its traders-and not the religon of the almighty dollar! Good luck.:unhappy: Last edited by AsstModerator; 12-01-2008 at 06:59 AM. Reason: Removed full quote of first post in thread. E8F's words left unchanged. Share Reply With Quote Reply With Quote 11-28-2008, 03:09 AM #9 zloveme zloveme is offline Recruit Join Date Sep 2008 Posts 1 Default Scammers are dangerous. Felix, Are you sure any of us can pay for your wonderful works? No we cannot. Because the fight for justice is worth over a trillion dollars. Only God will repay You. Thank You ones more Last edited by zloveme; 11-28-2008 at 03:15 AM. Reason: I want to send a direct message to FPA, not a requoted message Share Reply With Quote Reply With Quote 11-30-2008, 10:51 AM #10 matfx matfx is offline Recruit Join Date Nov 2008 Posts 8 Default Thank you FPA for your hard works helping traders identifying broker scam. Share Reply With Quote Reply With Quote + Reply to Thread Page 1 of 5 123 ... Next LastLast « Previous Thread | Next Thread » LinkBacks (?) Trade What You See - Almost Naked Trading - Page 1186 @ Forex Factory Refback This thread 09-26-2011, 06:47 AM BROKER INSTA KENE HACK.TUKAR PASSWORD ANDA Refback This thread 09-21-2011, 05:44 AM ÃÎÑ ÎÈÑ .. instaforex ÊÏÎá ÞÇÆãÉ ÇáÔÑßÇÊ ÇáäÕÈ ÍÓÈ Çá FPA - ãäÊÏíÇÊ ÇáÌáÝÉ áßá ÇáÌÒÇÆÑí&# 237;ä æ ÇáÚÑÈ Refback This thread 07-11-2011, 04:46 AM ÇáÏÚã ÇáÚÑÈì áÔÑßÉ ÇäÓÊÇ ÝæÑßÓ - ÇáÕÝÍÉ 2 Refback This thread 06-08-2011, 04:03 PM Instaforex Refback This thread 05-16-2011, 10:18 AM [INFO] tentang press release CFTC mengenai broker ilegal - Page 6 - Kaskus - The Largest Indonesian Community Refback This thread 05-03-2011, 06:51 PM Forex Growth Bot Discussion - Page 79 | Myfxbook Refback This thread 04-15-2011, 02:37 AM InstaForex bonus Refback This thread 01-20-2011, 03:01 PM InstaForex - Open Discussion Board Refback This thread 01-10-2011, 02:04 AM NE! brokeri Refback This thread 09-08-2010, 02:59 PM Forums - 200,000 traders around the world have already chosen InstaForex Refback This thread 08-01-2010, 12:03 AM Instaforex.com - Page 12 - IndoHYIP.com - Portal Investor HYIP Indonesia Pingback This thread 07-19-2010, 06:46 AM InstaForex - Masterforex-V - Страни 09;†Ð° 18 Refback This thread 07-08-2010, 08:37 AM fxopen fxcm ikof insta£¬ÓÐÄÄЩÊÇ Ö±½Ó¶Ô¶Ä£¬²»ºÏ·¨µ 96;£¿ - ÆÚ»õ¡¢»õ±Ò - ¼ÑÀñ×ÛºÏÂÛ Ì³ÍøÂçÉçÇø ~ ÂíÀ´Î÷ÑÇÖÐ ÎÄÂÛ̳ Refback This thread 04-18-2010, 06:41 AM sign up bonuses @ Forex Factory Refback This thread 12-24-2009, 07:38 AM Who is the best forex broker?, Page 6 of a Discussion at GoldAge Forums Refback This thread 11-29-2009, 09:55 AM Insta Forex - Forex | Online Forex Trading | Currency Trading | Forex Broker - PostGoldForum Refback This thread 11-02-2009, 03:25 AM TRADING EMAS DAN FOREX SISTIM BAGI HASIL: Insta Forex SCAM ! Refback This thread 03-07-2009, 10:20 AM TRADING EMAS DAN FOREX SISTIM BAGI HASIL Refback This thread 02-15-2009, 06:14 PM Similar Threads Profits By euroforex in forum General Forex Talk Replies: 1 Last Post: 05-21-2010, 11:55 AM Fat-Forex-Profits.com By Administrator in forum Trading Systems Replies: 0 Last Post: 11-01-2009, 10:08 PM Self Adapting EA, Huge Profits By badthriller in forum Forex Affiliate Links Replies: 0 Last Post: 03-05-2009, 02:53 AM Profits are a sign of cheating By Scam Investigations Committee in forum Scam Alerts Folder Replies: 52 Last Post: 02-15-2009, 02:00 PM What to do with your Forex profits? By 3BlackCrows in forum Forex Articles Replies: 4 Last Post: 01-19-2008, 05:28 PM Online forex trading with leading online forex broker Tadawul FX Market forecasts, lessons, charts, and forum. 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The time now is 12:17 PM. الإنترنت الموارد «فوركس جيش السلام» ، التي تقع في forexpeacearmy.com هو مشروع احتيالي المجهول ، لكسب المال عن طريق ابتزاز شركات الوساطة. يتم وضع شرعية هذا التنظيم موضع شك : المشروع لا يوفر أي اتصال حقيقي ، باستثناء عنوان البريد الإلكتروني ، وليس لديها أية بيانات الموقع الحقيقي. ومن المعروف أن مؤسس ForexPeaceArmy في صفحة ويب تحت أسماء Chavkerov ديمتري ، فيليكس Homogratus والعملات الأجنبية النذل. لديه سمعة المحتال تحديد الأهداف لكسب المال بسهولة عن طريق المكائد في اتجاهين : ابتزاز ضد الشركات النامية ، وتقديم خدمات الوساطة في سوق العملات الأجنبية وبيعها للإشارات غير مهني لتجار العملة. هو actualized الاتجاه الأول في المشروع على الانترنت خداع «فوركس جيش السلام». نشاط فرانس برس هو تنظيم ما يسمى ب "التعتيم PR" حملات ضد السماسرة ناجحة : نشر افتراء ، والمواد والمعلومات التشهيرية detractive forexpeacearmy.com في موقعه على الانترنت ونشر لهم أيضا في الإنترنت لغرض الابتزاز القادم من الشركات التعتيم. 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