Stock & Commodities 2014/03
Stock & Commodities, 2014 March
Timing The Market With Pairs Logic
by Perry Kaufman
Fundamentally different strategies, drawing from a broad set of markets, will offer better risk protection during times of market stress than any one strategy. Here’s an overview of a timing method and its mechanics.
Fading The Big Moves
by Ashot Hakobyan
Whenever we see a big move in the markets, it’s bound to catch our attention. But how do we protect our capital during such big moves, or better yet, profit from them? Find out here.
by Don Bright
This professional trader answers a few of your questions.
Expansions & Contractions, Part 1
by Dirk Vandycke
Every trader wants to be able to predict price moves, but we know that’s impossible. Instead, focus on finding high-probability setups and manage them well. In this first part of a three-part series, we’ll look at how to identify these setups.
Trend Switching With ETFs
by Moshé Prince
Given the volatility in the markets, you need to know when to get into a trade and when to get out. The use of ETFs has made this easier.
Explore Your Options
by Tom Gentile
Got a question about options?
Trading Like An Insider
with Guy Cohen
Guy Cohen is a leading innovator in financial trading. He is the creator of the options volatility indicator (OVI) and the FlagTrader and OptionEasy trading tools. He is the author of several best-selling trading books, a successful private trader, and a trading coach. We spoke with him about ways to keep abreast with market momentum, mistakes traders make, and how he uses data.
Futures For You
by Carley Garner
Here’s how the futures market really works.
Navigating Price Mountains
by Thomas Bulkowski
When stock prices start climbing or forming a price mountain, it’s tempting to want to get in on the action. But should you buy a stock that’s forming a mountain?
A Fundamental Lesson For The Technically Minded
by Matt Blackman
For decades, there have been two major schools of thought when it comes to stocks: fundamental analysis and technical analysis. Here, we look at how the two methodologies can work together.
The DJIA Is A Fata Morgana
by Wim Grommen
Here’s an interesting perspective on the oldest stock index in the US.
MetaStock XIII
Product review: Trading platform
Insiders Guide To Trading Weekly Options
Product review: A four-DVD set; weekly option & live trading course

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