السلام عليكم
عندي سؤال عاوزله شرح تفصيلي لاني مش فاهم اي حاجه فيه !!
بتكلم مع احد اعضاء الشركات عن المارجن كول فا كاتبلي الكلام دا
The different between margin call and stop out are as follows.
- Margin Call: When the Customer account margin level is less than 30%, margin call triggers. The Company has the right, however, is not obliged to close the Customer position. It is at the Company’s discretion whether to close the position or not.
- Stop Out: If the current trading account state (equity) is less than 10% of the margin necessary to maintain an open position, the Company reserves the right to force a Customer position close without prior notice.
اعد بيتكلم عن الفرق بين المارجن كول و الاستوب اوت و عاوز حد يفهمني الموضوع دا !!