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قديم 23-06-2011, 04:01 PM   المشاركة رقم: 130
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الصورة الرمزية ForexQuantMe

تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2011
رقم العضوية: 4182
الدولة: امريكا
المشاركات: 872
بمعدل : 0.17 يوميا

ForexQuantMe غير متواجد حالياً
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كاتب الموضوع : ForexQuantMe المنتدى : ارشيف الاستراتيجيات
افتراضي رد: سيستم بنكي orderflow forex كل مضرب يحتاجه

what are they? I will explain
most traders feel differently about support and resistances.
In my world of trading.. there is no such a thing as support and resistance. we call it support only.
and my definition of support is somewhat different. I don't draw lines based on hi and low and I don't use any history.
I use live market data for that.
in the previous post I mentioned SINGLES and a retest of 1.4210 WHY??? well if you ask any Market Profile Pros will explain that better than me.
Singles are simply single orders sitting in the que and they turn the market either side
Imagine a fire if you add fuel to it ( lots of fuel) it will keep on rage burning, if you leave it alone it will die out.. Right
in trading the market moves if there are orders, and if there isn't market will turn.
look for singles. you can easily see it on the charts or in the que
singles usually have to be filled to conform to bell curve distribution.
Google it ..
whre are the market profile professionals to elaborate more.....

عرض البوم صور ForexQuantMe  
قديم 23-06-2011, 04:01 PM
ForexQuantMe ForexQuantMe غير متواجد حالياً
عضو فعال
افتراضي رد: سيستم بنكي orderflow forex كل مضرب يحتاجه

what are they? I will explain
most traders feel differently about support and resistances.
In my world of trading.. there is no such a thing as support and resistance. we call it support only.
and my definition of support is somewhat different. I don't draw lines based on hi and low and I don't use any history.
I use live market data for that.
in the previous post I mentioned SINGLES and a retest of 1.4210 WHY??? well if you ask any Market Profile Pros will explain that better than me.
Singles are simply single orders sitting in the que and they turn the market either side
Imagine a fire if you add fuel to it ( lots of fuel) it will keep on rage burning, if you leave it alone it will die out.. Right
in trading the market moves if there are orders, and if there isn't market will turn.
look for singles. you can easily see it on the charts or in the que
singles usually have to be filled to conform to bell curve distribution.
Google it ..
whre are the market profile professionals to elaborate more.....