Trading Risk
Revolutionary techniques that traders can implement to improve profits and avoid losses
No trader, professional or individual, can afford not to have a solid risk management program integrated into his or her trading system. But finding a precise mathematical model to replace subjective decision-making processes is a challenge. Traditionally, risk management has focused solely on loss avoidance, but in Trading Risk, hedge fund risk manager Kenneth Grant presents some-thing completely new—how to manage a portfolio to minimize risk and increase profits by putting more capital at risk. Trading Risk details a risk management program that can help both money managers and individual traders evaluate which elements in a portfolio are working efficiently and which aren’t. By illustrating an extremely simple set of statistical and arithmetic tools this book can help readers enhance their performance in many financial markets.
Kenneth L.Grant is Cheyne’s Global Risk Manager, and is the Managing Member for Cheyne Capital, LLC, the firm’s U.S. arm. Mr. Grant is a pioneer in the field of hedge fund risk management and capital allocation. Before joining Cheyne, he created risk control programs at two of the world’s leading hedge funds, Tudor Investments and SAC Capital, where he was eventually promoted to the title of Chief Investment Strategist. Mr. Grant holds a Bachelor of Science in Economics and Mathematics from the University of Wisconsin, an MA in Economics from Columbia University, and an MBA from the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business.
Tools and Techniques for Building Strong Relationships with Major Clients
Peter Cheverton's Key Account Management (3rd edition 2004) has established itself as the leading book on the subject. The idea for this new book was prompted by the huge up-take for his KAM Masterclass seminars and workshops from sales and marketing people in FS companies all over the world. It follows a similar structure to the original book, but offers specific advice on marketing and selling financial products, with real-world examples and case studies from FS companies around the globe.
Compiled from original in-depth research and interviews, the book is divided into seven parts and is designed to take the reader through the process of understanding, analysis, planning, implementation and performance monitoring, so it can be used as a 'before, during, and after' guide to practical implementation. With areas covered such as the changing environment in financial services; the buying process; competitor replacement strategies; identifying key accounts; meeting the customer's needs; E-commerce and the Internet; and management of non key accounts, this book is a must-have for anyone working or studying in this field.
time management -marc mancini
Effective time management is one of today's most overlooked--yet essential --keys to career growth in business and management. Time Management provides hands-on techniques and tools for making every minute count as it dispels myths that can actually cost instead of save valuable time. It helps managers match the right time-saving tool to each situation, reveals secrets for anticipating instead of reacting, and explains how any manager can eliminate procrastination.
The New Financial Advisor Strategies for Successful Family Wealth Management
"For those of us who are working day to day on the frontier of wealth management, Scott Budge has done a remarkable job of mapping out this new territory--helping families achieve life outcomes. Budge's book is a valuable primer for advisors who are ready to embrace the psychological aspects of their role with families as a complement to their financial expertise."
--Dirk Junge, Chairman and CEO, Pitcairn
"At the time when the qualitative issues of human development are becoming the dominant questions for families, Scott Budge's defining of the New Financial Advisor brings to life the kind of advisor who will be most helpful to families in the years to come."
--James (Jay) E. Hughes, author of Family Wealth: Keeping It in the Family and Family: The Compact Among Generations
The Handbook of Credit Portfolio Management
As the credit bubble fallout plagues the institutional finance sector--and will continue to do so in coming years--a strategic approach to credit portfolio management has never been more critical. The Handbook of Credit Portfolio Management provides all the information you'll need to successfully rebalance and manage your credit portfolios.
Together with co-author Christian Hoppe and a team of thirty-five international contributors, Greg N. Gregoriou provides strategies for calculating risk-weighted assets, reevaluating hedging strategies, and implementing Basel II standards. Providing a thoroughly global perspective of the subject, this comprehensive guide includes input from Moorad Choudhry (Group Head of Treasury at Europe Arab Bank plc, London); Christophe Godlewski (Université Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg, France); Roland Fuss (University of Freiburg, Germany); and Valerio Potí (Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland), who shed light on such key topics as:
Investment opportunities of hedge funds
Basis arbitrage trading strategies
Issues regarding securitization of a sector basket
Cost-saving aspects of portfolio hedging with credit futures
The Handbook of Credit Portfolio Management covers the latest developments and most current portfolio management techniques to help you implement strategies that best suit your institution's needs.