About Potential Earnings
All earnings displayed within your PLX account in relation to Forex Firm X are potential earnings. When Forex Firm X officially launches, they will give you the opportunity to create a new forex trading account. By creating a new forex trading account with Forex Firm X at that time, you will open the door for the potential earnings listed in your PLX account to become actual earnings.
The amount of potential earnings which are converted to actual earnings may be affected by many factors. Many of these factors are unpredictable and stand outside your ability to control. Some of the factors which may affect the conversion of potential to actual earnings include the following...
Managed Trading Account
The managed trading account linked to your PLX account is currently owned and managed by Forex Firm X. The conversion from potential to actual earnings in this case requires that: (1) Forex Firm X officially launches and (2) you create a new forex trading account with them after their official launch. The money in the managed account will not be transferred to you until these events happen, and so, for now we recommend viewing these earnings as potential earnings of a speculative nature.
Sign-up Bonuses
The Forex Firm X sign-up bonuses shown in your PLX account are potential earnings where the calculation is based on every person in your launch group creating a forex trading account with Forex Firm X after their official launch. To qualify to earn sign-up bonuses requires that: (1) Forex Firm X officially launches and (2) you create a new forex trading account with them after their official launch. After those conditions are met, you may earn a sign-up bonus for every person in your launch group who creates a forex trading account with Forex Firm X. It is impossible to predict how many people in your launch group will actually proceed to create a forex trading account at that time, and so, for now we recommend viewing these earnings as potential earnings of a speculative nature.
Monthly Commissions
The Forex Firm X monthly commissions shown in your PLX account are potential earnings based on a calculation where every person in your launch group creates a forex trading account with Forex Firm X after their official launch and then maintains an active trading account with Forex Firm X. To qualify to earn monthly commissions requires that: (1) Forex Firm X officially launches and (2) you create a new forex trading account with them after their official launch and (3) you personally maintain an active trading account with Forex Firm X from that point forward. After those conditions are met, you may earn a commission every month for each person in your launch group who: (1) has joined Forex Firm X and (2) maintains an active trading account for that same given month. The actions of the people in your launch group are impossible to predict and outside of your control, and so, for now we recommend viewing these earnings as potential earnings of a speculative nature.