يتم شحنها من خلال بطاقة فيزا او ماستر كارد .. والخطوات:
By Credit Card: You may load funds directly from your Visa or MasterCard. Pre-authentication may be required. Loading fees apply. To load your card:
- Click on My Account.
- Enter the Username and Password you chose when your card was ordered.
- Select the “Load Money” option from the “Tools” menu.
- Enter either your e-mail address or your card number by choosing the appropriate tab and click “Continue”.
- Select the “Credit Card” tab.
- Enter all requested credit card information and how you would like your loading fees deducted, then click “continue”.
- Confirm your transaction by clicking “Save Changes”
- Payoneer will display a confirmation message and send an e-mail when you have confirmed your transaction. Your funds should be loaded within 2 business days upon approval.
فى وسيلة آخرى وهى التحويل البنكى لكن دى للأسف متاحة للعملاء الامريكيين فقط..لأنهم مش بيقبلوا تحويلات غير من البنوك الأمريكية