البيانات |
تاريخ التسجيل: |
Aug 2011 |
رقم العضوية: |
5298 |
الدولة: |
Gizeh, Egypt |
العمر: |
47 |
المشاركات: |
613 |
بمعدل : |
0.12 يوميا |
الإتصالات |
الحالة: |
وسائل الإتصال: |
كاتب الموضوع :
د/محمد حسام
المنتدى :
منتدى تداول العملات العالمية العام (الفوركس) Forex
رد: مربع 144 ومربع التسعه وزوايا السعر لجان هل هو وهم ام حقيقه
لدعم الموضوع والمزيد من التواصل
The Master Numbers are 3, 5, 7, 9 and 12. The No. 9 and its multiple is the most important
because 9 digits added together equal 45. The next number of greatest importance is 7, the number mentioned more times in the Bible than any other number. There are 7 days in the week and 7 calendar days as well as 5 market days, and their multiples should be carried on your Daily, Weekly and Monthly Charts. The square of 7 is 49, which is a very important time period. The 2nd square of 7 is 98 and the third square of 7 is 147 and the fourth square of 7 is 196 and 196 is also the square of 14. The next number in importance is No. 5 which is the
balancing number between 1 and 9. The square of 5 is 25 and the second square of 5 is 50 which is just 1 over the square of 7 making 49 to 50 very important for a change in trend. Three squares of 5 is 75 and 5 [4?] squares of 5 is 100 and 100 is the square of 10, which is also important for changes.
The No. 3 is mentioned the Bible next to the No. 7 and 3 is important because 3 x 3 equals 9, the square of 3, and it is the first old [odd?] number that forms a square greater than itself. Three must be used in every way possible. 3 x 7 equals 21, 3 x 5 equals 15, 3 x 9 equals 27 and 3 x 10 [12] equals 36, very important because it is the square of 6. The No. 12 is also spoken of in the Bible many times and is of great importance. Jesus selected 12 disciples. There are 12 months in the year, and 12 signs of the Zodiac. The important 12’s in the square of 144 are 12, 24,36, 48,60,72, 84,96, 108, 120, 132 and 144. These are all important for both time and price in days, weeks and months.
Referring to the No. 9, 7 x 9 is 63 and is of great importance because the square of 8 is 64, therefore around 63 to 64 is very important to watch the [for a?] change in trend. 7 x 12 is 84 and this is of very great importance and the number next to this is 90, which is 10 x 9 and 90 is 1/4 of the circle, which is very important for time and price changes. Next in importance is
9 x 12 which is 108 or 3/4 of 144.
The importance of the circle of 360 deg. must not be overlooked in connection with the square of 144 because the proportionate parts of the circle agree with the parts of 144. 2-1/2 times 144 equals 360 and 1-1/4 times 144 equals 180, 1/2 of the circle, and 90 is 5/8 of 144. 9 is 1/16 of 144, 18 is 1/8, 27 is 3/8, 36 is 1/4, 45 is 5/16 and always very important for time and price changes and for resistance levels. 48 is 1/3 of 144, and 54 is 3/8 and 63 is 7/16, 72 is 1/2 of 144, 81 the square of 9, is 9/16 of 144 and 90 is 5/8, 99 is 11/l6, 108 is 3/4, 117 is 13/16 and 126 is 7/8 and 135 is 15/16 of 144. These are the most important in the square of 12 and should be watched closely when time periods in days, weeks or months reach these points on the Master Calculator. Remember that you should always watch the Daily Chart for the first indication of the change in trend and at the same time look at the position on the Weekly Chart or 7 day time periods which is next in importance. The Monthly Chart is of the greatest importance for changes in the main trend.
دكتور محمد اخر مشاركة لك كانت قاتلة بالنسبة لي
ان شاء الله لم يتبقي سوي شيء واحد في الموضوع وهو ما نوهت انت عنه يا ابواسراء من الاشكال اللي يتخذها السعر اما بالنسبه لموضوع الزمن فما زال بالنسبة الي تحت البحث وعندما اصل فيه لشيء سوف انشيء له موضوعا وسوف نتكلم عن اخر موضوع غدا ان شاء الله
على كل حال هذا الموضوع يحتاج لمزيد من المشاركات والبحث
واثار انتباهي الان وانا اكتب الرد وجود قوة كبيرة وعلي قدر علم جيد بجان في الموضوع وهو المندس نادر فيليب لعله يفيدنا ببعض مما لدية عن هذا العبقري
وتحيتي للجميع
التوقيع |
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متغيب عن المشاركة لظروف طارئة
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