عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 08-10-2011, 12:36 AM   المشاركة رقم: 6
عضو جديد

تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2011
رقم العضوية: 5629
العمر: 39
المشاركات: 127
بمعدل : 0.03 يوميا

egyptian_pharon383 غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : egyptian_pharon383 المنتدى : منتدى شركات الوساطة و موقع اف اكس كوميشن FXCOMMISSION
افتراضي رد: الحق عرض بونوص 50 دولار

ياجماعه العرض مظبوط انتم شككتونى فى نفسى ليه الرساله دى جتلى من الشركه بعد لما سجلت ياريت تفسروها انتم

Dear Friend:
Whether you’re new to currency trading, or a seasoned trader, making the commitment to invest in a new product is no easy decision. This is why for a limited time FXCM is offering you a FREE $50 FXCM trading account.
After we receive your request for the account you also need to ensure you submit the free $50 trading account application. Submit Your Application Today!
Why Trade Currencies?

  • Trade around the clock—24 hours a day, five days a week
  • Place trades in up or down markets
  • Trade commission free, just pay the spreads
  • Choose from approximately 56 currencies instead of thousands of stocks
<img border="0" width="438" height="148"> Please allow one week for funds to be deposited into your account. You will receive an e-mail upon account activation.

This promotion expires soon. Once your application is approved, you can begin trading shortly thereafter. We look forward to working with you!

Best regards,
FXCM Micro


Offer is non-transferable and is limited to only one (1) account per household. Provided you qualify based on the above information, you must also receive approval from our New Accounts department in order to be eligible to receive your $50 bonus deposit. You may be required to provide verification and/or supporting documentation to validate any information provided here or in your Trading Application. This promotion is open to individuals 18 years of age and older at the time of the entry. Accounts opened via referring broker will not be qualified for the promotion. Accounts given the promo are not eligible to amend their account with a referral disclosure. You must complete five (5) round-turn trades in your new FXCM trading account, and your account must be in good standing before you are eligible to withdraw any funds from your account. Existing and past FXCM account holders are not eligible to receive the promotion. This offer may not be combined with any other promotions from FXCM. FXCM reserves the right to close your account for any violation of FXCM policy or any fraudulent or illegal activity. Employees of FXCM Inc. and affiliates are not eligible to receive the promotion. FXCM reserves the right to amend, waive or interpret any rule in its sole discretion when doing so would be in the best interests of the promotion.

عرض البوم صور egyptian_pharon383  
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 08-10-2011, 12:36 AM
egyptian_pharon383 egyptian_pharon383 غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
افتراضي رد: الحق عرض بونوص 50 دولار

ياجماعه العرض مظبوط انتم شككتونى فى نفسى ليه الرساله دى جتلى من الشركه بعد لما سجلت ياريت تفسروها انتم

Dear Friend:
Whether you’re new to currency trading, or a seasoned trader, making the commitment to invest in a new product is no easy decision. This is why for a limited time FXCM is offering you a FREE $50 FXCM trading account.
After we receive your request for the account you also need to ensure you submit the free $50 trading account application. Submit Your Application Today!
Why Trade Currencies?
  • Trade around the clock—24 hours a day, five days a week
  • Place trades in up or down markets
  • Trade commission free, just pay the spreads
  • Choose from approximately 56 currencies instead of thousands of stocks
<img border="0" width="438" height="148"> Please allow one week for funds to be deposited into your account. You will receive an e-mail upon account activation.

This promotion expires soon. Once your application is approved, you can begin trading shortly thereafter. We look forward to working with you!

Best regards,
FXCM Micro


Offer is non-transferable and is limited to only one (1) account per household. Provided you qualify based on the above information, you must also receive approval from our New Accounts department in order to be eligible to receive your $50 bonus deposit. You may be required to provide verification and/or supporting documentation to validate any information provided here or in your Trading Application. This promotion is open to individuals 18 years of age and older at the time of the entry. Accounts opened via referring broker will not be qualified for the promotion. Accounts given the promo are not eligible to amend their account with a referral disclosure. You must complete five (5) round-turn trades in your new FXCM trading account, and your account must be in good standing before you are eligible to withdraw any funds from your account. Existing and past FXCM account holders are not eligible to receive the promotion. This offer may not be combined with any other promotions from FXCM. FXCM reserves the right to close your account for any violation of FXCM policy or any fraudulent or illegal activity. Employees of FXCM Inc. and affiliates are not eligible to receive the promotion. FXCM reserves the right to amend, waive or interpret any rule in its sole discretion when doing so would be in the best interests of the promotion.

رد مع اقتباس