الموضوع: Forex Blade System
عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 01-07-2010, 02:44 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
الصورة الرمزية seragsamy

تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2010
رقم العضوية: 594
المشاركات: 12,657
بمعدل : 2.35 يوميا

seragsamy غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

المنتدى : منتدى تعليم الفوركس
افتراضي Forex Blade System

Forex Blade System

نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة

Cost $99


Dear forex trader,

If I gave you 3 unique trading systems that cut pips out of the market every week with very little draw down how much money could you make?

I want to tell you a little secret that very few people believe or even want to admit. Almost all FOREX traders are Losing Money I realise it is hard to believe but I've seen my fair share of traders losing money. You don't need to be a genius to know that consistent losses in a leveraged account will wipe you out in no time. 95% of traders lose money consistently while the other 5% are making piles of it!

Would You Like To know What The Top 5% Of Traders Know?

After years of testing and perfecting my trading system's I have reached consistent profitability, but it wasn't easy. Before I set out to develop my own trading systems I like everyone jumped from system to system, I bought just about every single system for sale on the net along with seminars and online courses. You name it, I probably bought it and tested it.

Most systems out there are just too complicated to work, they have a rule for every situation and no matter what you do you still lose more than you gain.

I have developed and traded 3 systems that the average Joe can easily understand, implement and start turning a daily profit with straight away. In fact my systems are so simple that you will practically wonder why so little people are making money in the forex markets!

Now here's the crazy part that is going to keep you awake tonight !

Once you know all my trading strategies, you will have a major advantage over most people trying to make money in the forex market. With a little practice you will be way ahead of 95% of the traders out there. So what does this mean?

You will be able to exploit the market for profit again and again.

I will show exactly how to make a consistent income from taking trades based on a sound winning edge. There are no tricks or schemes, just a tried and tested framework that will grow your trading account at a steady rate with little drawdown.





التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة م.نادر فريد ; 01-07-2010 الساعة 10:03 PM
عرض البوم صور seragsamy  
رد مع اقتباس

قديم 01-07-2010, 02:44 PM
seragsamy seragsamy غير متواجد حالياً
افتراضي Forex Blade System

Forex Blade System

نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة

Cost $99


Dear forex trader,

If I gave you 3 unique trading systems that cut pips out of the market every week with very little draw down how much money could you make?

I want to tell you a little secret that very few people believe or even want to admit. Almost all FOREX traders are Losing Money I realise it is hard to believe but I've seen my fair share of traders losing money. You don't need to be a genius to know that consistent losses in a leveraged account will wipe you out in no time. 95% of traders lose money consistently while the other 5% are making piles of it!

Would You Like To know What The Top 5% Of Traders Know?

After years of testing and perfecting my trading system's I have reached consistent profitability, but it wasn't easy. Before I set out to develop my own trading systems I like everyone jumped from system to system, I bought just about every single system for sale on the net along with seminars and online courses. You name it, I probably bought it and tested it.

Most systems out there are just too complicated to work, they have a rule for every situation and no matter what you do you still lose more than you gain.

I have developed and traded 3 systems that the average Joe can easily understand, implement and start turning a daily profit with straight away. In fact my systems are so simple that you will practically wonder why so little people are making money in the forex markets!

Now here's the crazy part that is going to keep you awake tonight !

Once you know all my trading strategies, you will have a major advantage over most people trying to make money in the forex market. With a little practice you will be way ahead of 95% of the traders out there. So what does this mean?

You will be able to exploit the market for profit again and again.

I will show exactly how to make a consistent income from taking trades based on a sound winning edge. There are no tricks or schemes, just a tried and tested framework that will grow your trading account at a steady rate with little drawdown.





التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة م.نادر فريد ; 01-07-2010 الساعة 10:03 PM.
رد مع اقتباس