عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 17-01-2011, 08:14 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
Boss Of all Bosses
عضو نشيط
الصورة الرمزية Boss Of all Bosses

تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2010
رقم العضوية: 2406
الدولة: qatar
العمر: 39
المشاركات: 342
بمعدل : 0.07 يوميا

Boss Of all Bosses غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

المنتدى : منتدى المؤشرات و الاكسبيرتات
افتراضي استراتيجيه للمجنون GBPJPY اليومى

السلام عليكم
الى كل محبى المجنون ومحبى التجاره به
جأت اليوم بمؤشر وشرح فيديو لكيفيه
الدخول فى الصفقه وكيفيه الخروج منها

المؤشرات المستخدمه هى
  • ار اس اى فتره 20 مع وضع مستوى 50

  • مؤشر ADX فتره 14 ووضع مستوى 25

  • مؤشر الترند (مرفق)

  • مؤشر Forex Off Trend (مرفق)

وهذا رابط فيديو يشرح الاستراتيجيه وكيفيه الخروج منها

شروط الشراء والخروج من الشراء

Buy Signal:

If the following parameters are “TRUE” at the close of any of the bars mentioned above we will BUY at the market price.

1) Custom Trend must be blue (teal)
2) RSI must be above 50. Any reading above 50 is acceptable.
3) ADX must be above 25. Any reading above 25 is acceptable. However, the ADX is more of a "Condition" than a trigger. If it is not above 25 at the close of the first bar there is no trade for that day.

Stop Loss = 100 pips (plus spread)
Break Even = Multi-purpose trade manager should move stop to break even at plus 100
Take Profit = 125 pips

Exit Buy Signal:

1) When Take Profit or Stop Loss is reached
2) If, on the following morning, you receive a signal in the opposite direction.
3) If you are stopped out at break even.
4) I will explain add-ons at a later point in time

شروط البيع والخروج من البيع

Sell Signal:

If the following parameters are “TRUE” at the close of any of the bars mentioned above we will SELL at the market price.

1) Custom Trend must be red.
2) RSI must be below 50. Any reading below 50 is acceptable.
3) ADX must be above 25. Any reading above 25 is acceptable. However, the ADX is more of a "Condition" than a trigger. If it is not above 25 at the close of the first bar there is no trade for that day.

Stop Loss = 100 pips (plus spread)
Break Even = Multi-purpose trade manager should move stop to break even at plus 100
Take Profit = 125 pips

Exit Sell Signal:

1) When Take Profit or Stop Loss is reached
2) If, on the following morning, you receive a signal in the opposite direction.
3) If you are stopped out at break even.
4) I will explain add-ons at a later point in time

والمؤشرات فى المرفقات

تـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــجـــــــــار ه مــــــــــوفــــــــــقــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـه

الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: rar gbpjpy daily trend method.rar‏ (27.4 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 24)


التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Boss Of all Bosses ; 17-01-2011 الساعة 08:33 PM
عرض البوم صور Boss Of all Bosses  
رد مع اقتباس

قديم 17-01-2011, 08:14 PM
Boss Of all Bosses Boss Of all Bosses غير متواجد حالياً
عضو نشيط
افتراضي استراتيجيه للمجنون GBPJPY اليومى

السلام عليكم
الى كل محبى المجنون ومحبى التجاره به
جأت اليوم بمؤشر وشرح فيديو لكيفيه
الدخول فى الصفقه وكيفيه الخروج منها

المؤشرات المستخدمه هى
  • ار اس اى فتره 20 مع وضع مستوى 50

  • مؤشر ADX فتره 14 ووضع مستوى 25

  • مؤشر الترند (مرفق)

  • مؤشر Forex Off Trend (مرفق)

وهذا رابط فيديو يشرح الاستراتيجيه وكيفيه الخروج منها

شروط الشراء والخروج من الشراء

Buy Signal:

If the following parameters are “TRUE” at the close of any of the bars mentioned above we will BUY at the market price.

1) Custom Trend must be blue (teal)
2) RSI must be above 50. Any reading above 50 is acceptable.
3) ADX must be above 25. Any reading above 25 is acceptable. However, the ADX is more of a "Condition" than a trigger. If it is not above 25 at the close of the first bar there is no trade for that day.

Stop Loss = 100 pips (plus spread)
Break Even = Multi-purpose trade manager should move stop to break even at plus 100
Take Profit = 125 pips

Exit Buy Signal:

1) When Take Profit or Stop Loss is reached
2) If, on the following morning, you receive a signal in the opposite direction.
3) If you are stopped out at break even.
4) I will explain add-ons at a later point in time

شروط البيع والخروج من البيع

Sell Signal:

If the following parameters are “TRUE” at the close of any of the bars mentioned above we will SELL at the market price.

1) Custom Trend must be red.
2) RSI must be below 50. Any reading below 50 is acceptable.
3) ADX must be above 25. Any reading above 25 is acceptable. However, the ADX is more of a "Condition" than a trigger. If it is not above 25 at the close of the first bar there is no trade for that day.

Stop Loss = 100 pips (plus spread)
Break Even = Multi-purpose trade manager should move stop to break even at plus 100
Take Profit = 125 pips

Exit Sell Signal:

1) When Take Profit or Stop Loss is reached
2) If, on the following morning, you receive a signal in the opposite direction.
3) If you are stopped out at break even.
4) I will explain add-ons at a later point in time

والمؤشرات فى المرفقات

تـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــجـــــــــار ه مــــــــــوفــــــــــقــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـه

الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: rar gbpjpy daily trend method.rar‏ (27.4 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 24)

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Boss Of all Bosses ; 17-01-2011 الساعة 08:33 PM.
رد مع اقتباس