اف اكس ارابيا..الموقع الرائد فى تعليم فوركس Forex

اف اكس ارابيا..الموقع الرائد فى تعليم فوركس Forex (https://fx-arabia.com/vb/index.php)
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-   -   مجموعة استراتيجيات فوركس ناجحة Surefire Trading Challenge Value (https://fx-arabia.com/vb/showthread.php?t=5397)

seragsamy 29-12-2010 07:34 AM

مجموعة استراتيجيات فوركس ناجحة Surefire Trading Challenge Value
مجموعة استراتيجيات فوركس ناجحة Surefire Trading Challenge Value

مرفق مع الاسترتيجيات كشوف الحسابات والشروحات


Hello, friends and fellow Forex traders and thank you for trusting me with your time to read this no holds barred review of one of the most hyped and highly expected Forex launches this year: The Surefire Trading Challenge by Mark McRae.

If you have not lived under a rock these last months I am sure you have heard about the SureFire Trading Challenge? But Is Surefire Trading Challenge scam or not? Does it really work? If you haven’t, here is the deal: Mark McRae, a veteran Forex trader and ‘guru’, held a Forex trading contest some months back which he called, yes you guessed it: The Surefire Trading Challenge.

The rules of the competition was simple. The one trader who made the most money in one month would win Mark’s contest and join his team. Why was this so attractive a prize? Except for the money, the winner made over 2900%, you also get to rub elbows with the man himself Mark McRae.




,, Speed Up ,, 20-05-2012 09:43 PM

رد: مجموعة استراتيجيات فوركس ناجحة Surefire Trading Challenge Value
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