اف اكس ارابيا..الموقع الرائد فى تعليم فوركس Forex

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bestrader 09-11-2010 10:00 PM

استراتيجة فوركس فورميلا Formula (s) Strategies

For nice brothers, I will share some Formula of 70% to 80% probability of success.
  1. Volatility
  2. Pivot Point
  3. Taking Profit
  4. Buy and Sell Strategy
  5. Pivot Point & Fibo
  6. Swing and expert strategy with big profit and medium risk
All that I am going explain it beriefly

bestrader 09-11-2010 10:28 PM

رد: Formula (s) Strategies

=========PAST =============Present ==============Future==============

Historical volatility ==============theoretical Price ==========Implied Volatil=============

before investing in any currency, must determine the volatility because without it you get NO preofits.


Variation = Average (High - Low) and High, Low of Yesterday.

Average = (High + Low) / 2


Varaition = (High + Low) / 2 * (High - Low) ok

If and only if the volatility is above 90% mean it is strong enough to invest AND MAKE PROFIT

on 29/09/2010
High or H = 0.9644
LOW or L = 0.9573
Close or C = 0.9622
CLOSE in 00:00 GMT exectly

APPLY formula then

Varaition = (High + Low) / 2 * (High - Low) ok
Varaition = 0.96085 * 0.0071
Variation = 0.00682235

Test the volatility if we de use 1 LOT with laverage of 200:1 <=> 10K

1------------> 10K
0.00682235-------------> X

X = 10k times 0.00682235 / 1
X = 68.038

it is not too much, so the best decission is not invest this pair tomorrow and msut wait for volatility over 90% to be sure

and we do use thos volatility formula only for tomorrow trading. because we gonna use small frame on M15.

small frame = littel volatility
big frame = huge volatility

bestrader 09-11-2010 10:42 PM

رد: Formula (s) Strategies
Pivot point or PP

PP = (H + L + 2 * C) /4

this point to show the drop or/and rise

bestrader 09-11-2010 10:47 PM

رد: Formula (s) Strategies

find pp as entry point

drag fibo from H and L of yesterday

SELL if and only if the pp is above above above 50% level of fibo.


find pp as entry point

drag fibo from H and L of yesterday

BUY if and only if the pp is below below below 50% level of fibo.

bestrader 09-11-2010 10:48 PM

رد: Formula (s) Strategies
let try this strategy for a week and check it

good luck

mazen 09-11-2010 10:50 PM

رد: Formula (s) Strategies
ممكن شيت اكسل للطريقة دى؟
و تدخل فيه كل المعادلات والارقام
و هو يطلع مناطق البيع والشراء؟

bestrader 09-11-2010 10:59 PM

رد: Formula (s) Strategies
1 مرفق

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة mazen (المشاركة 79446)
ممكن شيت اكسل للطريقة دى؟
و تدخل فيه كل المعادلات والارقام
و هو يطلع مناطق البيع والشراء؟

enter only L, H and Close

and look at left of page

I will explain OCTO

bestrader 09-11-2010 11:05 PM

رد: Formula (s) Strategies
Taking Profit

How to Take profit in the best time.

let's calculte OCtO

OCTO = (H/H+L )* 100

Always talk about a day of trading in M15

1/ if OCTO is between 20 and 40 you should close your position between 35pip to 50pips

2/ if octo is between 40 and 60 you should close your position between 50pip to 80pips

3/ if octo is between 70 and 100 mean SWING and profit up 150pips

there also a formula about octo give you the time exectly like close your trading after 8 hour,

mazen 09-11-2010 11:14 PM

رد: Formula (s) Strategies

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة bestrader (المشاركة 79448)
enter only L, H and Close

and look at left of page

I will explain OCTO

يعنى ادخل اللو و الهاى و الكلوز فقط؟

طب اليومية ولا الاسبوعية ولا الشهرية؟

علما بان فى قيم داخلة فى الشيت نفسه
لكن مش مدى اى مناطق بيع او شراء

bestrader 10-11-2010 02:17 AM

رد: Formula (s) Strategies

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة mazen (المشاركة 79453)
يعنى ادخل اللو و الهاى و الكلوز فقط؟

طب اليومية ولا الاسبوعية ولا الشهرية؟

علما بان فى قيم داخلة فى الشيت نفسه
لكن مش مدى اى مناطق بيع او شراء

Low high and close of YESTERDAY

Pivot point and fibo valid only and only on farme M15

click on CTRL + Y to devide you chart and take points

الساعة الآن 02:12 PM

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