اف اكس ارابيا..الموقع الرائد فى تعليم فوركس Forex

اف اكس ارابيا..الموقع الرائد فى تعليم فوركس Forex (https://fx-arabia.com/vb/index.php)
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Benisafcom 22-06-2015 06:58 PM

حـــصـريا مـــــطــالـــعه كـــل أعـــداد مجلـــة Stock & Commodities

المجلة متوفرة ب 10 دولارات في المواقع المختصة بها :

عدد جوان 2015

Stock & Commodities 2015/06

Stock & Commodities, 2015 June

Understanding Causes Of Market Movements
by Melvin E. Dickover
An evidence-based model argues that the price movement of a chart is fully explained by cycles, support & resistance, and newsdriven price impulses. We can use a cognitive psychology–based hypothesis to explain why and how cycles arise.


The RSI & Price Trends
by Kevin Luo
The relative strength index (RSI) is well known among technical analysts. As with all indicators, it tends to work better on some stocks or at certain times. Can it be modifid to give better results? We’ll fid out.

A Simple Positive Expectancy Strategy
by Azeez Mustapha
Do you want your trading results to improve? Incorporating positive expectancy into your trading strategy may just be the ticket.

The Slow Volume Strength Index
by Vitali Apirine
Here’s a momentum volume oscillator that’s similar to the relative strength index (RSI), but there’s a difference. Let’s take a look at how this indicator works.

Volume Analysis With The SPY
by Domenico D’Errico
When something is trading at or close to its all-time highs, you need to know whether to sell it or continue holding it. Viewing the markets in terms of supply & demand areas is one way to do it.

by Don Bright
This professional trader answers a few of your questions.

Trading Confiently With Todd Gordon
Todd Gordon is the founder of TradingAnalysis.com, which provides actionable market analysis and trading strategies in the currency, commodity, and equity markets for amateur and professional traders. We spoke with him about what it takes to become a confient trader.

Explore Your Options
by Tom Gentile
Got a question about options?

Bullish Weekly Trend Reversal Signal
by Donald W. Pendergast
Here’s an example of how the price performance can give an advance indication that a bullish reversal was overdue.

Futures For You
by Carley Garner
Here’s how the futures market really works.

A True Odyssey
by Robert Cocchiola
Here is a tale of one trader’s quest for knowledge about the oil market as he sought to ride with the bulls and reap the profits.

HGSI Investment Software
Product review: Visual analytical software for evaluating US securities and industry groups, ETFs/ ETNs, and closed-end funds











Benisafcom 22-06-2015 07:04 PM

رد: حـــصـريا مـــــطــالـــعه كـــل أعـــداد مجلـــة Stock & Commodities
Stock & Commodities 2015/05
عدد ماي 2015

Stocks & Commodities, 2015 May

Schrِdinger’s Cat

by John F. Ehlers
What information is contained in market data? Can you develop an indicator or trading system that can extract this information to provide an edge in trading? Here’s a look.


Filtering Price Movement
by Giorgos E. Siligardos
Here is an alternative to the classic zigzag indicator, which may prove useful to visual technical analysts and chart pattern researchers.

Mean Reversion And The S&P 500
by Stephen Beatson
It is generally believed that markets tend to mean-revert. But this is true for some markets more than others. Here’s an in-depth look at how the S&P 500 responds to mean reversion.

Futures For You
by Carley Garner
Here’s how the futures market really works.

Predicting The VIX By Reordering Data
by Stephen Butts
In recent years, the CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) has increased in importance and use as an indicator of market direction. This article demonstrates how the direction of tomorrow’s change in the VIX might be determined by restructuring readily available market data.

by Don Bright
This professional trader answers a few of your questions.

10 Selling Tips
by Thomas Bulkowski
Do you spend as much time deciding to sell as deciding to buy? Here are 10 tips to make deciding when to sell easier.

TA For The Longer Term With Boon Chin Low
by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
BC Low has been a teacher and practitioner of technical analysis since the 1980s. He is one of Singapore’s earliest practitioners to attain the Chartered Market Technician credential. At Singapore Polytechnic, he created and taught two modules of “Technical Analysis and Trading,” the only formal course on technical analysis in Singapore. He was a technical analyst for Merrill Lynch Bank, where he provided currency views to dealers, private bankers, and institutional clients. Currently, he continues to trade his own equity. We asked him about how longer-term investors can apply technical analysis.

Explore Your Options
by Tom Gentile
Got a question about options?

Gambling, Speculating, & Investing
by Stella Osoba
What do these terms mean as applied to the participant in the financial markets? Let’s have a look to try to come up with some clear defiitions.

Haguro Method
Product review: MetaStock add-on based on the Haguro method

MetaStock XIV
Product review: Trading and charting platform





يتبع بعدد افريل 2015

Benisafcom 22-06-2015 07:13 PM

رد: حـــصـريا مـــــطــالـــعه كـــل أعـــداد مجلـــة Stock & Commodities
Stock & Commodities 2015/04

[شهر افريل 2015

Candlesticks And The Haguro Method
by Gary Burton
As technical traders, we must always consult the market. Here’s a method that sets clear support & resistance levels and can be used to trade futures, equities, and forex pairs.


Trading Forex: Planning Your Strategy
by Imran Mukati
In the fial part of this introductory series on forex trading, we look at some important aspects of trading strategies and how you can develop one. We’ll also look at some sources of data and potential indicators to use in forex trading.

Calculating Pip Values
by Karl Montevirgen
Does it make a difference if your domestic currency is the fist currency or second currency? It sure does, and it affects how the currency is valued. Here are some different scenarios you can encounter and how you can calculate the pip values in each of these situations.

Basket Trading Using A Directed Acyclic Graph
by Dave Cline
When trading a basket of securities, one or two nonconforming stocks will throw your system off track. Here’s one way to ensure that the components of your portfolio travel together.

The Slow Relative Strength Index
by Vitali Apirine
J. Welles Wilder’s classic relative strength index has enjoyed a large following of technical analysts over the years. Here’s a slow version of it.

Futures For You
by Carley Garner
Here’s how the futures market really works.

Explore Your Options
by Tom Gentile
Got a question about options?

Finding The Trend in FX With Tyler Yell
by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
Tyler Yell is a currency analyst and trading instructor for DailyFX.com. In his work, he tries to teach market truths like risk management and technical setups in a way that newer traders can understand. His technically focused strategy looks mainly at price action across multiple time frames to try to catch the big moves that develop. We spoke to him about how to identify profiable moves in the forex markets.

The Trader’s Psyche
by Solomon Chuama
Three parties are involved in trading: the buyer, the seller, and you. Your behavior and actions play an important role in your trading results. Here’s how you can use them to your benefit.

by Don Bright
This professional trader answers a few of your questions

The EZ Guide To Selecting ETFs
by Rudy Teseo
Decisions, decisions, decisions… the best ones are based on knowledge.

Loss Aversion
by Stella Osoba
By nature, we are wired to act in certain ways when confronted with specifi situations. Being aware of these types of behavioral patterns is a fist step toward conquering them. Here’s a look at how we typically react to situations that arise in the fiancial markets.

Quick-Scan: Financial investment newsletter and premium trading service.











يتبع . . .

Benisafcom 24-06-2015 04:39 AM

رد: حـــصـريا مـــــطــالـــعه كـــل أعـــداد مجلـــة Stock & Commodities
Stock & Commodities 2014/12
Stocks & Commodities, 2014 December

Trading Forex: Markets & Trading
by Imran Mukati
In this second part of a six-part series, we look at the characteristics and trading mechanics of the important global markets that forex traders need to keep an eye on.


Detecting Flags In Intraday Charts
by Markos Katsanos
Can you apply flags to intraday charts? Once you do, how can you determine the optimal price target? Here is a system that will help you identify flag formations as well as enter and exit them at the right time.

Explore Your Options
by Tom Gentile
Got a question about options?

Projecting Market Cycles
by Sylvain Vervoort
Here in part 6 of Sylvain Vervoort’s “Exploring Charting Techniques” series, he discusses a unique way to identify the beginning and end of a market cycle.

Effects Of Volatility On Trading
by Norman J. Brown
Can trading results be similar to those of roulette betting?

by Don Bright
This professional trader answers a few of your questions.

From Greed & Fear To Grow & Protect
by Allen Rehert, PhD
When the markets are rallying, little thought is given to protecting your assets. But what happens when the markets turn and start quickly moving down? In this first part of a two-part series, find out how this author follows a set of guidelines to protect his investments.

Catching The Big Moves WIth Harry Boxer
by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
Harry Boxer, founder of TheTech-Trader.com, has more than 45 years of Wall Street investment and technical analysis experience, including eight years on Wall Street as chief technical analyst with three brokerage firms. Boxer is a featured guest on many financial programs and websites. We spoke with him about catching that next big move in the market.

Futures For You
by Carley Garner
Here’s how the futures market really works.

What Class Of Trader Are You?
by Solomon Chuama
Scalpers, daytraders, swing traders, position traders — they all trade, but they trade differently. Here’s a look at the characteristics of each type.

Mish’s Market Minute Premium
Product review: Analysis tools and coaching services




Benisafcom 24-06-2015 04:42 AM

رد: حـــصـريا مـــــطــالـــعه كـــل أعـــداد مجلـــة Stock & Commodities
Stock & Commodities 2014/11
Stocks & Commodities, 2014 November


When The Smart Money Fails
by Giorgos E. Siligardos, PhD
The Commitments Of Traders aggregated report is a handy tool for watching the moves of the most significant players in the markets. But what happens when the “smart money” fails? You may be able to gain some insights from the reports. Find out how.

Price Projections, Part 5
by Sylvain Vervoort
Here in part 5 of Sylvain Vervoort’s “Exploring Charting Techniques” series, he looks at techniques such as measured moves, Fibonacci projections & retracements, and daily pivots to estimate future price levels.

Explore Your Options
by Tom Gentile
Got a question about options?

Swing Trading With Momentum On Your Side
by Ken Calhoun
Seeing a simple breakout may convince you to place a trade, but how do you know if a breakout is really a breakout? Here’s one way you can jump into a trade and not get caught off-guard.

Trading Forex: Understanding The Basics, Part 1
by Imran Mukati
In this first part of a new series on foreign exchange trading, you’ll get an overview of the basics of trading currencies.

by Don Bright
This professional trader answers a few of your questions.


Battling The Futures With Larry Levin
by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
Larry Levin is president and founder of Trading Advantage, a firm specializing in trading education. Trading Advantage has made it its mission to teach students to trade online. We spoke with him about what it takes to start trading futures.

Futures For You
by Carley Garner
Here’s how the futures market really works.

Slow Down: Equity Curve Ahead
by Robert Cocchiola
The equity curve judges the success or failure of your system. What makes an equity curve good or bad? What does it take to achieve a good equity curve? We’ll take a look.

thinkorswim Sharing
Product review: Social media sharing tools and online community for thinkorswim users.



Benisafcom 24-06-2015 04:46 AM

رد: حـــصـريا مـــــطــالـــعه كـــل أعـــداد مجلـــة Stock & Commodities
Stock & Commodities 2014/10
Stock & Commodities, 2014 October


Equivolume & Candlesticks: Together At Last
by Richard W. Arms Jr.
It’s the best of both worlds. Find out how this new and improved charting tool — the Arms Candlevolume — can help you identify where the strength is in any market.

The Trouble With Triangles
by Thomas Bulkowski
Have you traded ascending, descending, or symmetrical triangles and lost money when the trend reversed? Here’s a look at how often triangle patterns fail.

Demystifying Support & Resistance, Part 4
by Sylvain Vervoort
There are so many possible support & resistance levels on a chart. How do you know which ones to use? How do you apply them? In this fourth part of an ongoing series on charting techniques, we remove some of the mystery.

An Alternative Methodology
by Scott Hathaway
Geometric technical analysis is something that technical analysts have been slow to embrace. Here’s a look at how it can be effectively applied to your trading. Who knows; you may find it worthy of consideration.
Introducing The “Open Collar”
by Jay Kaeppel
When the price of a stock you are holding keeps moving higher and higher to the point where you are sure a pullback will occur, do you continue holding your position, do you close it, or are there other alternatives? Here’s one technique you can apply when faced with such a scenario.


Steve Ruffley Of iView Charts
by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
Ruffley is CEO of http://www.iViewcharts.com, Chief Market Strategist at Spread Betting, CFD Trading | Value for Money Winner | InterTrader, and creator of TraderMaker and TraderMaker Pro software. He’s the author of The Ruff Guide To Trading (due to be published in late 2014). He has presented more than 550 live webinars on trading and holds weekly trading clinics at Forex Street. The Foreign Exchange Market
. We spoke with him about the importance of setting expectations before trading and how he looks at charts.

Explore Your Options
by Tom Gentile
Got a question about options?

Futures For You
by Carley Garner
Here’s how the futures market really works.

by Don Bright
This professional trader answers a few of your questions.

Beating The Market
by George Coyle
Is it possible? Here’s a simple trend-following approach that can beat the market over time and should be considered as part of any investor’s plan

Chaikin Analytics For Desktop And iPad
Product review: Subscriptionbased ratings and research analytics service for stocks, industries, and exchange-traded funds



Benisafcom 26-06-2015 04:48 AM

رد: حـــصـريا مـــــطــالـــعه كـــل أعـــداد مجلـــة Stock & Commodities
Stock & Commodities 2014/09
Stock & Commodities, 2014 September


Looking At Cycles
by Koos van der Merwe
We live in a world of cycles and many believe there is a correlation between cyclical movements and our emotional ups and downs. Here’s a look at some of the different types of cycles as they relate to the financial markets.

Exploring Charting Techniques: Creating A Trading Strategy, Part 3
by Sylvain Vervoort
Creating our own indicators and turning them into a trading strategy is something all technical analysts strive to do. Unfortunately, a lack of programming skills can often discourage us from accomplishing this. But there are ways to get around it. Here’s one way to create and backtest an indicator without writing any code.

Finding The Golden Triangle
by Charlotte Hudgin
Do you find yourself frequently missing profitable setups? Here’s one way to capture most, if not all, of them.

Binary Options: Scam Or Trading Methodology?
by Gail Mercer
They’re gaining attention among traders, but how do you trade them? Here’s one way to get started.

by Don Bright
This professional trader answers a few of your questions.

Acquiring Trading Discipline Quantitatively
by Sebastien Garcia
To trust your trading system you need confidence, which in turn leads to discipline. Here’s a simple yet powerful process that can help you to trust your system.

Futures For You
by Carley Garner
Here’s how the futures

Jeffrey Hirsch on Seasons, Cycles, and Super Booms
by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
Jeffrey A. Hirsch is editor-in-chief of Stock Trader’s Almanac and the author of several books. A 25-year Wall Street veteran and president of the Hirsch Organization since 2001, he appears regularly in the financial media. We spoke with him about using cycles as a guide when trading.

Explore Your Options
by Tom Gentile
Got a question about options?

The Roots Of Periodicity
by Richard J. Johnson
It may seem ancient, it may seem complex; but it works and it’s simple. Here’s a look at how to analyze the markets using an insight gleaned from thinking about W.D. Gann’s squaring of price and time technique.

Advanced GET by eSignal
Product review: Set of trading strategies that runs on the eSignal platform.

Quick-Scan: Quantitative analysis site for actionable advice.


يتبع ...

Benisafcom 26-06-2015 04:54 AM

رد: حـــصـريا مـــــطــالـــعه كـــل أعـــداد مجلـــة Stock & Commodities
Stock & Commodities 2014/08
Stock & Commodities, 2014 August


The Truth AboutDollar-Cost Averaging
by Thomas Bulkowski
Does dollar-cost averaging work? And what is zero-cost averaging? Find out more about these two concepts here.

The Composite Man’s Bull Market Campaign
by Hank Pruden, Bruce Fraser, and Roman Bogomazov
Will the principles of 20th-century chartist Richard D. Wyckoff still work in today’s markets? You might be surprised. Here’s a reenactment of Wyckoff’s original campaign as applied to the 2008–14 stock market.

by Don Bright
This professional trader answers a few of your questions.

Parameters Affecting Stock Returns
by Norman J. Brown
When it comes to trading equities, it is believed that to increase returns you need to take on more risk. But is that really true? This statistical study will show you what really affects returns.

The Quotient Transform
by John F. Ehlers
Here’s one way to detect a trend early and know how long to stick with it.

Exploring Charting Techniques: Basic Chart Trading, Part 2
by Sylvain Vervoort
Pullbacks, swing reversals, breakouts, trend reversals — these are some of the things prices do. Here’s how you can recognize and trade them.

Never Pay Full Price
by Tom Catalano
Try this option strategy the next time you trade a stock.

Managing Money With Moe Ansari
by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
Moe Ansari is a financial expert and the host of “Market Wrap,” a nationally syndicated radio broadcast. This experience has helped him in managing clients’ investment portfolios at his firm, Compak Asset Management. His professional experience includes option trading, portfolio optimization, futures trading, mutual fund selection modeling, and financial risk management. We spoke with him about minimizing risks and being content with what you make.

Futures For You
by Carley Garner
Here’s how the futures market really works.

Explore Your Options
by Tom Gentile
Got a question about options?

eSignal 11.8
Product review: Trading software with streaming stock quotes and charting tools

Product review: Predictive trading tool


يتبع . . .

Benisafcom 27-06-2015 04:56 AM

رد: حـــصـريا مـــــطــالـــعه كـــل أعـــداد مجلـــة Stock & Commodities
Stock & Commodities 2014/07
Stocks & Commodities, 2014 July


Profit With Dual Oscillators & Bands
by Barbara Star, PhD
Channels make excellent tools for identifying trends, breakouts, and retracements. Here’s one way to combine channels with indicators to better identify the direction of price and the strength of that movement.

Futures For You
by Carley Garner
Here’s how the futures market really works.

Exploring Charting Techniques, Part 1
by Sylvain Vervoort
What type of chart should you be using? Lines, bars, candlesticks… there are so many choices. In this first part of a six-part series, an overview of charting styles is presented that may help you make the right choice for analyzing the markets.

Trading Eurodollar One-Minute Bar Charts, Part 2
by Dennis Meyers
The level of noise in price movements can have an impact on our trading. Here’s a system that filters out the noise and trades the trends.

by Don Bright
This professional trader answers a few of your questions.

Three Rules To Risk Management
by James Stanley
It’s not just about how much you make or lose on each trade; it’s how you manage those profits and losses that make all the difference in your success as a trader.

Defining Stock Trends With The RSI
by Mike B. Siroky
The relative strength index (RSI) is considered an indicator to apply when markets are range-bound. But here’s one way you can use the RSI to identify intermediateand long-term trends in the equity markets.


Keeping Abreast With Perry Kaufman
by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
Perry Kaufman began his career as a rocket scientist. In 1971 he became involved in the futures markets and has remained there. In addition to trading, Kaufman writes extensively on markets and strategies. We spoke with him about how traders need to evolve their trading methodologies.

Explore Your Options
by Tom Gentile
Got a question about options?

Wall Street’s Biased Estimates
by Gideon Vigderhous, PhD
Does Wall Street show a systematic bias when estimating earnings per share (EPS) when compared to actual EPS? Find out how to hedge your portfolio during earnings season.

TraderMaker PRO
Product review: Add-in for MetaStock for intraday trading.



Benisafcom 27-06-2015 04:56 AM

رد: حـــصـريا مـــــطــالـــعه كـــل أعـــداد مجلـــة Stock & Commodities
Stock & Commodities 2014/07
Stocks & Commodities, 2014 July


Profit With Dual Oscillators & Bands
by Barbara Star, PhD
Channels make excellent tools for identifying trends, breakouts, and retracements. Here’s one way to combine channels with indicators to better identify the direction of price and the strength of that movement.

Futures For You
by Carley Garner
Here’s how the futures market really works.

Exploring Charting Techniques, Part 1
by Sylvain Vervoort
What type of chart should you be using? Lines, bars, candlesticks… there are so many choices. In this first part of a six-part series, an overview of charting styles is presented that may help you make the right choice for analyzing the markets.

Trading Eurodollar One-Minute Bar Charts, Part 2
by Dennis Meyers
The level of noise in price movements can have an impact on our trading. Here’s a system that filters out the noise and trades the trends.

by Don Bright
This professional trader answers a few of your questions.

Three Rules To Risk Management
by James Stanley
It’s not just about how much you make or lose on each trade; it’s how you manage those profits and losses that make all the difference in your success as a trader.

Defining Stock Trends With The RSI
by Mike B. Siroky
The relative strength index (RSI) is considered an indicator to apply when markets are range-bound. But here’s one way you can use the RSI to identify intermediateand long-term trends in the equity markets.


Keeping Abreast With Perry Kaufman
by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
Perry Kaufman began his career as a rocket scientist. In 1971 he became involved in the futures markets and has remained there. In addition to trading, Kaufman writes extensively on markets and strategies. We spoke with him about how traders need to evolve their trading methodologies.

Explore Your Options
by Tom Gentile
Got a question about options?

Wall Street’s Biased Estimates
by Gideon Vigderhous, PhD
Does Wall Street show a systematic bias when estimating earnings per share (EPS) when compared to actual EPS? Find out how to hedge your portfolio during earnings season.

TraderMaker PRO
Product review: Add-in for MetaStock for intraday trading.



Benisafcom 27-06-2015 05:01 AM

رد: حـــصـريا مـــــطــالـــعه كـــل أعـــداد مجلـــة Stock & Commodities
Stock & Commodities 2014/06
Stocks & Commodities, 2014 June


Evaluating Algorithmic Trading Signals
by Giorgos E. Siligardos, Ph.D.
Are you using an objective, unbiased, and globally applicable method to evaluate the performance of your algorithmic trading signals? If not, then this article may be your cup of tea.

Measured Income
by Gareth Burgess
When trying to make trading decisions, we often find ourselves staring blindly at a chart. Here's one way to logically look at the markets and make trading decisions based on your own findings.

Slope Divergence: Capitalizing On Uncertainty
by Perry J. Kaufman
It's a classic chart pattern and many traders use it, yet divergence patterns that could generate profits are easy to miss. Here's one way to automate identifying profit-making divergence patterns.

Explore Your Options
by Tom Gentile
Got a question about options? Tom Gentile is the chief option strategist at Optionetics (Optionetics - Your Investment Education and Options Trading Resource
), an education and publishing firm dedicated to teaching investors how to minimize their risk while maximizing profits using options. To submit a question for our Explore Your Options column, post it to our website at Message-Boards.Traders.com Index page. Answers will be posted there, and selected questions will appear in a future issue of S&C. This month: fixing a losing stock position with options.

Recovering Your Fortune
by Azeez Mustapha
Seeing your trading account get destroyed is never fun. Here is some advice on rebuilding a portfolio.

by Don Bright
Confused about some aspect of trading? Professional trader Don Bright of Bright Trading (Home), an equity trading corporation, answers a few of your questions. To submit a question, post your question to our website at Message-Boards.Traders.com Index page. Answers will be posted there, and selected questions. This month: opening-only orders (OPG) and market-on-close (MOC) orders.

Trading Eurodollar One-Minute Bar Charts, Part 1
by Dennis Meyers, Ph.D.
How do you determine when a price trend starts? The velocity of price movement can have something to do with it. Here's one way you can measure volatility.

Navigating The Markets With Josh DiPietro
by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
Josh DiPietro knows about the challenges traders will face on the road to trading successfully. He wrote about it in his 2009 book "The Truth About Day Trading Stocks: A Cautionary Tale About Hard Challenges," based on first-hand experiences. Here, he shares with us some of his professional insight into the real world of trading and what short-term traders just starting out may need to know.

Futures For You
by Carley Garner
Here's how the futures market really works

Does Forecasting Have A Place In Your System?
by Boris Tolmachev
There are three ways to forecast: taking a gamble, making an engineered calculation, and using historical insight. You need to combine all three elements to come up with a well-balanced trading system. Here's how.

Harmonic Pattern Collection
Product review: Pattern-detection add-in software for e-Signal.

Mechanical Trading Systems
Product review: Trading course manual.


يتبع . . .

Benisafcom 27-06-2015 10:18 PM

رد: حـــصـريا مـــــطــالـــعه كـــل أعـــداد مجلـــة Stock & Commodities
Stock & Commodities 2014/05
Stock & Commodities, 2014 May

The Truth About Stock Trading And Chat Rooms
by Josh DiPietro
If you think that joining a trading or chat room will show you how to trade like traders on Wall Street, think again. Here’s what you should really be doing.

Futures For You
by Carley Garner
Here’s how the futures market really works.

Trading Signals With Darknet Channels
by John Broussard and Jay Kaeppel
How can patterns not be visible to the naked eye when the chart is in front of you? You'll be surprised. Here’s a process that identifies such patterns and identifies trading signals.

Range Expansions & Contractions, Part 3
by Dirk Vandycke
In this third and final part of a series that looks at expansions & contractions to gauge divergences, we look at how to apply the Chartmill bull indicator to trading.

Explore Your Options
by Tom Gentile
Got a question about options?

Wilder’s RSI: Extending The Time Horizon
by Mike B. Siroky
The relative strength index (RSI) is a popular indicator among traders, but how do you figure out how many price bars to include in its calculation, or how high is high, or how low is low? Here’s one way to do it.

by Don Bright
This professional trader answers a few of your questions.

The Real Reason Traders Lose Money (And What To Do About It)
by John F. Ehlers and Ric Way
Why do traders lose money? The answer may surprise you. Here's a look at the core of the problem and how you can arrive at a profitable strategy.

Swing Trading With Sylvain Vervoort
by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
Sylvain Vervoort was involved with computers and software since the early days of microcomputing. He has always been fascinated by computer hardware, computer programming, and later on, technical analysis of the stock market.

Do You Believe In Magic?
by Brent Donnelly
How reliable is the link between the Fed’s balance sheet and US equities?

VectorVest 7.0
Product review: Subscription based stock analysis and portfolio-management software.


يتبع ....

Benisafcom 27-06-2015 10:20 PM

رد: حـــصـريا مـــــطــالـــعه كـــل أعـــداد مجلـــة Stock & Commodities
Stock & Commodities 2014/04
Stock & Commodities, 2014 April
Position Sizing In The Spot Forex Markets
by Karl Montevirgen
Wouldn’t you like to know exactly how much you are risking before you enter a trade? Find out how to do just that before placing your next trade.

Identifying The Strongest To Weakest Forex Pairs
by Michael Burke
Which is the strongest and which is the weakest? Here’s a straightforward concept that can help you track forex market dynamics and cross-currency relationships.

Explore Your Options
by Tom Gentile
Got a question about options?

Evidence-Based Support & Resistance
by Melvin E. Dickover
Here are two new indicators based on evidence from price–volume behavior to help create dependable support and resistance lines that accurately identify the prices where supply and demand pools are located.

Futures For You
by Carley Garner
Here’s how the futures market really works.

Expansions & Contractions, Part 2
by Dirk Vandycke
Last month in part 1, we found out how to measure intrinsic divergences. In this second part, we will identify divergences that take place when price may appear to be strong but has a tendency to close near the lows.

Trading The Unpredictable Without Indicators
by James Stanley
Is it possible to trade using no indicators at all? Here’s a fivepoint plan that you can apply to look for strong entry opportunities in the forex markets.

by Don Bright
This professional trader answers a few of your questions.

Trading Rationally With Rob Booker
by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
Nicknamed the "Prime Minister of Pips", Rob Booker is a currency trader, author, and speaker who believes that trading profitably is not easy but can be enjoyable. We spoke with him about the emotions that can be encountered while trading in the currency markets.

A Better Trend
by Perry Kaufman
How can a trend be better? Here's a unique approach to viewing trends so you can gain the most from them.

Candle Profit System
Product review: MetaStock add-on for finding candlestick patterns

StockCharts University
Quick-Scan: Educational seminar covering features of Stockcharts.com


يتبع .....

Benisafcom 27-06-2015 10:23 PM

رد: حـــصـريا مـــــطــالـــعه كـــل أعـــداد مجلـــة Stock & Commodities
Stock & Commodities 2014/03
Stock & Commodities, 2014 March

Timing The Market With Pairs Logic
by Perry Kaufman
Fundamentally different strategies, drawing from a broad set of markets, will offer better risk protection during times of market stress than any one strategy. Here’s an overview of a timing method and its mechanics.

Fading The Big Moves
by Ashot Hakobyan
Whenever we see a big move in the markets, it’s bound to catch our attention. But how do we protect our capital during such big moves, or better yet, profit from them? Find out here.

by Don Bright
This professional trader answers a few of your questions.

Expansions & Contractions, Part 1
by Dirk Vandycke
Every trader wants to be able to predict price moves, but we know that’s impossible. Instead, focus on finding high-probability setups and manage them well. In this first part of a three-part series, we’ll look at how to identify these setups.

Trend Switching With ETFs
by Moshé Prince
Given the volatility in the markets, you need to know when to get into a trade and when to get out. The use of ETFs has made this easier.

Explore Your Options
by Tom Gentile
Got a question about options?

Trading Like An Insider
with Guy Cohen
Guy Cohen is a leading innovator in financial trading. He is the creator of the options volatility indicator (OVI) and the FlagTrader and OptionEasy trading tools. He is the author of several best-selling trading books, a successful private trader, and a trading coach. We spoke with him about ways to keep abreast with market momentum, mistakes traders make, and how he uses data.

Futures For You
by Carley Garner
Here’s how the futures market really works.

Navigating Price Mountains
by Thomas Bulkowski
When stock prices start climbing or forming a price mountain, it’s tempting to want to get in on the action. But should you buy a stock that’s forming a mountain?

A Fundamental Lesson For The Technically Minded
by Matt Blackman
For decades, there have been two major schools of thought when it comes to stocks: fundamental analysis and technical analysis. Here, we look at how the two methodologies can work together.

The DJIA Is A Fata Morgana
by Wim Grommen
Here’s an interesting perspective on the oldest stock index in the US.

MetaStock XIII
Product review: Trading platform

Insiders Guide To Trading Weekly Options
Product review: A four-DVD set; weekly option & live trading course


يتبع ...

محمد أبوالنيل 28-06-2015 06:56 PM

رد: حـــصـريا مـــــطــالـــعه كـــل أعـــداد مجلـــة Stock & Commodities
اخى يا ريت يكون فى رابط لتحميل المجلة بالمجمل الله يكرمك

Benisafcom 29-06-2015 04:23 AM

رد: حـــصـريا مـــــطــالـــعه كـــل أعـــداد مجلـــة Stock & Commodities

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة محمد أبوالنيل (المشاركة 811950)
اخى يا ريت يكون فى رابط لتحميل المجلة بالمجمل الله يكرمك

يا ريت استاد محمد
بحث و بحث و بحث ولم اجد
هناك حوالي 30 مجلة سارفعها بكل اعدادها
المجلة هده متوفر 39 عدد و اللي قبلها كمان
المجلة متوفرة في موقع mql5
ب10 دولار و الدفع يكون عن طريق لميتاتريدر
و بحث ولم اجدها متوفرة للتحميل
اصبحث اعمل زووووم لمطالعه اهم التقارير
دي الطريقة الوحيدة اللي استطعت عملها
و لم ارى اي تجلوب و الدليل انك الوحيد الدي رديت في الموضوع مما راجعت حسابي بإن ليس اي فائدة للموضوع و قررت رفع باقي الاعداد من هده المجلة و التوقف

محمد أبوالنيل 29-06-2015 12:53 PM

رد: حـــصـريا مـــــطــالـــعه كـــل أعـــداد مجلـــة Stock & Commodities

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Benisafcom (المشاركة 812064)
يا ريت استاد محمد
بحث و بحث و بحث ولم اجد
هناك حوالي 30 مجلة سارفعها بكل اعدادها
المجلة هده متوفر 39 عدد و اللي قبلها كمان
المجلة متوفرة في موقع mql5
ب10 دولار و الدفع يكون عن طريق لميتاتريدر
و بحث ولم اجدها متوفرة للتحميل
اصبحث اعمل زووووم لمطالعه اهم التقارير
دي الطريقة الوحيدة اللي استطعت عملها
و لم ارى اي تجلوب و الدليل انك الوحيد الدي رديت في الموضوع مما راجعت حسابي بإن ليس اي فائدة للموضوع و قررت رفع باقي الاعداد من هده المجلة و التوقف

لا يا اخى لا تتوقف موضوعك مفيد هو بس فى صور مش واضحة - هو ازاى اقدر اشوفها على الميتاتريدر

Benisafcom 29-06-2015 06:25 PM

رد: حـــصـريا مـــــطــالـــعه كـــل أعـــداد مجلـــة Stock & Commodities
متوفرة في موقع mql5
و تشوفها فقط بالصور مثل اعلاه

الساعة الآن 06:23 PM

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