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رد: ورشة الاشموكو
انا دخلت شراء فى معظم ازواج الين وللاسف عكسوا عليا وخسرت الحمد لله |
رد: ورشة الاشموكو
SSI Details:
EURUSD - The ratio of long to short positions in the EURUSD stands at -1.48 as 40% of traders are long. Yesterday the ratio was -1.45; 41% of open positions were long. Long positions are 2.6% higher than yesterday and 0.7% above levels seen last week. Short positions are 4.9% higher than yesterday and 21.5% below levels seen last week. Open interest is 4.0% higher than yesterday and 6.5% below its monthly average. We use our SSI as a contrarian indicator to price action, and the fact that the majority of traders are short gives signal that the EURUSD may continue higher. The trading crowd has grown further net-short from yesterday but moderated since last week. The combination of current sentiment and recent changes gives a further mixed trading bias. GBPUSD - The ratio of long to short positions in the GBPUSD stands at -1.48 as 40% of traders are long. Yesterday the ratio was -1.58; 39% of open positions were long. Long positions are 5.3% higher than yesterday and 5.9% below levels seen last week. Short positions are 1.4% lower than yesterday and 8.3% above levels seen last week. Open interest is 1.2% higher than yesterday and 4.1% below its monthly average. We use our SSI as a contrarian indicator to price action, and the fact that the majority of traders are short gives signal that the GBPUSD may continue higher. The trading crowd has grown less net-short from yesterday but further short since last week. The combination of current sentiment and recent changes gives a further mixed trading bias GBPJPY - The ratio of long to short positions in the GBPJPY stands at -1.75 as 36% of traders are long. Yesterday the ratio was -2.08; 32% of open positions were long. Long positions are 8.5% higher than yesterday and 10.9% below levels seen last week. Short positions are 8.7% lower than yesterday and 15.5% above levels seen last week. Open interest is 3.1% lower than yesterday and 10.2% above its monthly average. We use our SSI as a contrarian indicator to price action, and the fact that the majority of traders are short gives signal that the GBPJPY may continue higher. The trading crowd has grown less net-short from yesterday but further short since last week. The combination of current sentiment and recent changes gives a further mixed trading bias. USDJPY - The ratio of long to short positions in the USDJPY stands at 1.31 as 57% of traders are long. Yesterday the ratio was 1.42; 59% of open positions were long. Long positions are 4.9% lower than yesterday and 27.0% below levels seen last week. Short positions are 2.9% higher than yesterday and 15.6% above levels seen last week. Open interest is 1.7% lower than yesterday and 5.0% below its monthly average. We use our SSI as a contrarian indicator to price action, and the fact that the majority of traders are long gives signal that the USDJPY may continue lower. The trading crowd has grown less net-long from yesterday and last week. The combination of current sentiment and recent changes gives a further mixed trading bias. USDCHF - The ratio of long to short positions in the USDCHF stands at 2.06 as 67% of traders are long. Yesterday the ratio was 2.12; 68% of open positions were long. Long positions are 0.3% higher than yesterday and 8.5% below levels seen last week. Short positions are 2.9% higher than yesterday and 1.3% below levels seen last week. Open interest is 1.1% higher than yesterday and 39.9% below its monthly average. We use our SSI as a contrarian indicator to price action, and the fact that the majority of traders are long gives signal that the USDCHF may continue lower. The trading crowd has grown less net-long from yesterday and last week. The combination of current sentiment and recent changes gives a further mixed trading bias. هدا هو SSI (SPECULATIVE SENTIMENT INDEX FXCM وهو يعكس القوى الشرائية والبيعية لدى عملاء الشركة الخواص اللي زينا يعني. وتنصح الشركة بانه يعطك الاتجاه لان العملاء الخواص دائما مخطؤون في اعلبهم. لدا فانت ادا رايت ان الاكثرية تبيع عملة ما، فاشتريها لان العلبية يخطؤون. |
رد: ورشة الاشموكو
رد: ورشة الاشموكو
على كده صفقات الشراء على الين و اللى كان يؤكدها مؤشر الايشميكو كلها خسرانه يعنى المؤشر كان غلط |
رد: ورشة الاشموكو
اليورو ين والباوند ين الآن 40% شراء. ولما يوصل الدولار ين لهذه النسبة سوف نرى الصعود المنتظر لازواج الين، لان الدولار ين هو القاطرة بالنسبة لازواج الين. |
رد: ورشة الاشموكو
وبالنسبه لموضوع اغلبية الناس ده انا احدده ازاى و استفيد به ازاى |
رد: ورشة الاشموكو
مع احترامى الكامل لكلامك يا خالووود بس شكله مش هيقوملوا قومة دلوقتى وده كمان بعد تصريحات رئيس البنك اليابانى والوظائف برضوا
انا معاك انوا طالع وبالفعل انا دخلت ولكن التحليل الاساسى مكنش متوافق مع هذا الصعود بس ده ميمنعش اننا نحط كل الاحتمالات |
رد: ورشة الاشموكو
بالنسبة لازواج الين الصعود هو المهيمن، ان كان على الصفقات، انا لا اعرف ستوبك كم، وفين دخلت. انا ما شاري الا الباوند ين اللي كسر راس الشنكو، اما اليورو ين والدولار ين فانا مازلت انتظر كسر راس الشنكو. بالنسبة لعدد الناس فيمكنك وجوده في موقع ماي اك اكس بوك Myfxbook وعند اوواندا. لاستفاذة منه ، تشوف الناس العدية مش صناع السوق، وتحاول تدخل في الاتجاه المعاكس. فمثلا انا عندي هدا الشارت منذ البارحة وعندي المعلومة ان الاعلبية تبيع الباوند دولار؛ لكن مدخلتش شراء من اي مكان، وعارف ان عندي التنكن الشهري قدام السعر. وراس الشنكو تكونت. هذا يعطيني ثقة في الدخول لما يكسر راس الشنكو. انا لحد الان لم ادخل في صفقة شراء ولا بيع على الباوند لانني عارف ان قلة السيولة قد تفعل ما لا يتوقع بالسوق ولو انه طالع. وصلت? http://www.fx-arabia.com/vb/uploaded...1367947163.png |
رد: ورشة الاشموكو
رد: ورشة الاشموكو
خواني بعد ما قرات تدخلاتكم، فهمت ان لما التحليل يقول ان هناك اتجاه، فيكم من يدخل على طول. وهذا خطأ.
لما التحليل يعطيك اتجاه واضح، لازم تنتقي نقط الدخول الخروج بعناية. ان كان هناك اي سوال انا موجود للاجابة |
الساعة الآن 09:41 AM |
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