اف اكس ارابيا..الموقع الرائد فى تعليم فوركس Forex

اف اكس ارابيا..الموقع الرائد فى تعليم فوركس Forex (https://fx-arabia.com/vb/index.php)
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-   -   استراتيجية فوركس كاملة orderflow forex كل ما يحتاجه المضارب (ملخص) (https://fx-arabia.com/vb/showthread.php?t=36343)

ForexQuantMe 07-06-2011 02:22 PM

رد: سيستم بنكي orderflow forex كل مضرب يحتاجه
الفكره ان نضارب على الارقام ولا نحلل السوق
السوق محلل من قبل المحليلين
مش شغلتي ان احلل بل اضارب

ارد على سوءل من وين نجيب هده الارقام behind the flow forex GOOGLE orderflow or Vwap or POC

في كثير من الشركات و المحليلين عندهم تقارير بنكيه

انا كل يوم اوضع هده الارقام للشباب ليستخدموها

)I'm trying to show you guys that we don't want to be analyst we should focus on Exits and Entries only (Execution only

almost everyone I met on forums is trying to analyze the markets and forgot he is a trader.

Buy the best analyst report and trade it.. stop looking for indicators and start thinking structure.

I don't have much time to answer many questions. cause I'm involved in trading my acct and others. but I will try and post my trades and explain based on the rules
the system I'm providing here is nothing new and is not my invention. it is however, thru years of experience working in forex houses and investments firms I learned that the market has order and moves in sequence.

I posted all the rules for the sequence in this thread. follow it and you will see the difference in your trading.
get a good analyst report and dump all your indicators and focus on entries and exits.

good luck

One Note:
I was raised in the USA, being an Jordanian American. My Arabic ability isn't optimized and for that I apologize for any mistakes while I'm typing and trying explain.

ForexQuantMe 07-06-2011 02:25 PM

رد: سيستم بنكي orderflow forex كل مضرب يحتاجه
Notice that I don't care about the news.... Why ? cause Math moves the market and news goes to where the Math pre-decided.

لاحض ان الاخبار مش مهمه كثير
ارقام بتحكي


ForexQuantMe 07-06-2011 02:32 PM

رد: سيستم بنكي orderflow forex كل مضرب يحتاجه
90% من الوقت السوق بقفل عكس ما فتح
10% يقفل عند ما يفتح

90% of the time market will close opposite of it's open
10% of the time market will close near it's open

Understand this concept it will help in your entry and exits

افهم هدا المبدء

ForexQuantMe 07-06-2011 02:36 PM

رد: سيستم بنكي orderflow forex كل مضرب يحتاجه
90% من الوقت السوق بقفل عكس ما فتح
10% يقفل عند ما يفتح

90% of the time market will close opposite of it's open
10% of the time market will close near it's open

شوف البارز يفتح من جهه و يقفل بالجهه الاخرى


ForexQuantMe 07-06-2011 02:49 PM

رد: سيستم بنكي orderflow forex كل مضرب يحتاجه
Math Stats:
If every bar is from 0 -100%
and 50% is Equlibrium point
and price is currently above 75% what would be the bias for that bar? what is the probabilities that price will dip below 50% level again? ..
I see I have a trade from 75% up to 100%

Thats how \I look at the markets.. based on probability and expectation
if this happens .. this should happen..
if else statement

ForexQuantMe 07-06-2011 04:12 PM

رد: سيستم بنكي orderflow forex كل مضرب يحتاجه
there many places where you could get reports from
likos letter is one
google it..
interactive brokers provides vwap info..
sigmafx also provides a good report
there are many if you google you will find it
again the point is to stop analyzing and focus on execution.

I'm a trader and not an analyst
in regard to timing your entry, I havent' gotten to that part yet.. all I'm doing so far is tryin and explain the structure
again the coin toss is 50- 50 all the times. it only takes 1 or 51 to be on the winning side..
when I look at the market I use daily and 1hr for structure. and when I want to trade, I use small time frame ( or live quote) Tick Trading.
I look for demand or supply to dryup and enter in the direction intended

ForexQuantMe 07-06-2011 04:16 PM

رد: سيستم بنكي orderflow forex كل مضرب يحتاجه
اليورو الان retesting 1.4678
ما اعمل شيء الان
انتضر كسر 1.4678 الى الاعلى

عند ما يكسر
انتضر ال ريتست retest 1.4678 و بعده اشتري

اقل ما في الموضوع انا ما بتحزر وين رايح او جاؤي اليورو
اعرف احتمالته


ForexQuantMe 07-06-2011 04:24 PM

رد: سيستم بنكي orderflow forex كل مضرب يحتاجه
our Job as traders is to Respond to market activities, not to try and Predict future price.
شغلتنا ان نتجوب مع حركات السوق وليس ان نخمن السعر

Yesterday is gone.. we call it History

Tomorrow is For ALLAH to decide ( leave it alone) A

Today is the important

Focus on today and tomorrow will come smooth

in trading a trader should be focused on today ( now) trading not tomorrow 's price
and there isn't anything from yesterday or previous days (history) will help you in today's trading

ForexQuantMe 07-06-2011 04:36 PM

رد: سيستم بنكي orderflow forex كل مضرب يحتاجه
I ment to say Focus on Trading in the NOW.. today's action and forget yesterday
yesterday's Hi and Lo might come in handy as a reference point.
but how many times you traded based a previous day's Hi or Low setups.
very seldom market considers those numbers. usually price has a starting point and an objective point.

No offense to any system out there. I m just posting my thoughts like a journal to help traders remain focused


ForexQuantMe 07-06-2011 05:34 PM

رد: سيستم بنكي orderflow forex كل مضا رب يحتاجه
ممكن ان تستخم مؤشرات ولاكن كمؤشر وتعرف ان المؤشر يشير الى ما بعد الحدث

بدايه الغرام اليوميه مع اليورو

8 صباحا توقيت الاردن:

اشوف الشارت daily and 1hr نضره سريعه
اشوف الاخبار وشو عم بصير
اشوف ارقام يوم امس واين السعر الان
اشوف تقرير و ارقام اليوم واين السعر الان مقارنتن
طبعا فنجان قهوة بيدي
اشوف الانماط والقواعد rules و مبادء
احدد خطتي اليوميه
اعرف حدود السوق
اعرف اتجاه السوق
اعرف الرانج اليومي ومدى بعد السعر عنها Daily Range Usually 150 Pips
احدد نقاط البيع و نقاط الشراء
اعرف قوة حسابي وشو بتحمل
اجهز اوردراتي
ستوب لوس داءما 15-20 بيب.
ليش ستوب لوس 15-20 بيب فقط؟ لانه ما احتاج لاكثر من 15-20 بيب خسارة لااعرف اني غلطان بتحليلي . بوقف

راح اضيف شارتات قريبا

الساعة الآن 05:57 PM

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