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رد: افضل كتاب فوركس لديك .. ادخل وشاركنا ليستفيد الجميع
السلام عليكم أنا لدي كتب وفيديوهات كثيرة لكن أغلبها باللغة الانجليزية لا يتسع لها المكان لو تحبوا أضعها هنا فالقائمة تحت ولو يوجد طلب عل أي كتاب فأنا في الخدمة هذه بعض الكتب التي عل الجهاز أما الفيديوهات فهي كثيرة وحجمها أكبر:CDs DVDs بالعربي -------- كتاب التداول التوافقي سكوت كارني - مترجم 250ص كتاب - تعليم الفوركس للمتدئين 307ص كتاب - الفوركس خطوة بخطوة المتداول العربي 78ص تطبيق نظرية فيبوناتشي على سوق المال- محمد البديوي 20 ص المؤشرات الفنية الجزء الاول - أبومعاذ التميمي 72ص المؤشرات الفنية الجزء الثاني - 53ص مخطط التوازن إيشيموكو في نظرة واحدة 29 ص مؤشر إتشيموكو كينكو ھيو -9ص مؤشر إتشيموكو كينكو ھيو -اعداد رامي صقر المتداول العربي 61ص قواعد الاستثمار الناجح أبومعاذ التميمي 16ص كتاب دورة شاملة في النظرية الموجية- عبد الله العمودي 279 ص موجات اليوت-عبد المنعم حشاد (مجموعة الدروس الكاملة) موجات اليوت لأشرف ابراهيم (مجموعة الدروس الكاملة) مبادئ التحليل الموجي :حاتم اسماعيل 80ص موجات اليوت -الجزء النظري- حاتم اسماعيل 50ص مقدمة إلى الشموع اليابانية -ماجد فهد العمري 102ص الشموع اليابانية - 1 الكاتب المصري 30ص الشموع اليابانية - 2 عبد الله القاسم 23ص براعة الشموع اليابانية في تحليل الخرائط البيانية_ستيف نيسون -مترجم أحمد صلاح عبد العزيز 395ص النماذج السعرية و الشموع اليابانية ، ماذا نحتاج منها؟ 14ص درس فني .. نماذج الشارتات أو الشارت باترن .. 31ص نماذج الشارتات الأستاذ أبجديات 21ص نماذج الشارتات - الأستاذ الحربي 13ص ملخص نماذج الشارتات 13ص شرح النماذج الانعكاسية -الأستاذ وجيه الخير 12ص الاشكال الفنية الايجابية 47ص الاشكال الفنية السلبية 38ص الانفراجات 14ص النماذج الفنية علي قواعد بولكوفسكي المتداول العربي منهجية التداول 23ص SWING TRADING كتاب - التحليل الفني للأسواق المالية للدكتور عبد المجيد المهيلمي . الطبعة الخامسة 334ص كتاب التحليل الفنى للأسواق المالية جون ميرفي ترجمة شيماء سليمان 316ص التحليل الفني ميسرا - حون ميرفي ترجمة أحمد صلاح عبد العزيز 64ص كتاب التحليل فني للمبتدئين للاستاذ درهم بن دينار 101ص الدرس الثالث من دورة التداول في سوق العملات -المتداول العربي-36ص خطوات على طريق التحليل الفني للأخت شيماء أم عمر 23ص بورصة الأوراق المالية من المنطور الاسلامي -دراسة تحليلية نقدية 272ص استراتيجة الوافي -رحمه الله 134ص موسوعة الميتا تريدر -شرح كامل 30ص إعداد خطة المتاجرة 9ص بالإنجليزي: -------------- Entries And Exits -Visits to 16 Trading Rooms -Alexander Elder 354p Study Guide for Come Into My Trading Room- A Complete Guide to Trading -Alexander Elder 210p STUDY GUIDE FOR Entries_and_Exits -Alexander Elder 176 p Trading For A Living -Dr Alexander Elder 312p High Profit Candlestick Patterns -Stephen W. Bigalow 411p Profitable Candlestick Trading- Pinpointing Market Opportunities to Maximize Profits -Stephen W. Bigalow 337p Trade Chart Patterns like the pro -Specific Trading Techniques -Suri Duddella 293p Trade Chart Patterns Like The Pros - DEc 13 2007- Suri Duddella 46p ABC Patterns Research- Suri Duddella 60p Trading a Sea Horse Pattern 2008- article in magazine -Suri Duddella Trade Chart Patterns Like the Pros - Oct 24 2008 -Suri Duddella 60p 3 Line Price Break Charts- Suri Duddella Trading Price Action (TRADING RANGES)2012- Al Brooks 313p Trading Price Action (Reversals) -Al Brooks 298p Trading Price Action (Trends) 2011- Al Brooks 479p Reading Price Charts Bar by Bar - Al Brooks 428p mastering techmical analysis -john brooks 289p Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets -John J. Murphy 585p The Visual Investor- How to spot market trends 2nd Edition -John J Murphy 337p Intermarket Technical Analysis - Trading Strategies -John J. Murphy 145p Intermarket Analysis -Profiting from Global Market Relationships 2004 -John J Murphy 290p Charting Made Easy -John J Murphy 82p Chart Pattern Recognition For MetaStock and MetaStock- John Murphy 48p Ten Laws of Technical Trading -John J Murphy 36p Dynamic Trading - Dynamic Concepts in Time, Price & Pattern Analysis - Robert C. Miner 505p High Probability Trading Strategies-Entry to Exit Tactics for Forex,Futures,Stock Markets - Robert C. Miner 290p Practical Elliott Wave trading strategies Part1 -robert miner 47p Steve Nison's Profiting in Forex -Steve Nison 249p candlesticks for intraday and swing trading -Steve Nison 205p Advanced Candlestick Charting Techniques- secrets to becoming a samaurai trader -Steve Nison 249p Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques -Steve Nison 328p Candlestick Charting Basics - Steve Nison 36p Hedge Fund Market Wizards -jack schwager 272p The New Market Wizards -Conversations with America's Top Traders -Jack D. Schwager 190p Day Trading and Swing Trading the Currency Market- Kathy Lien 307p Strategies to Effectively Anticipate and React to Currency News Presentation -Kathy Lien 79p Day Trading Currency Market -Kathy Lien 120p Technical Analysis Of The Currency Market- Boris Schlossberg 225p high probability trading setups for the currency market - kathy lien & boris schlossberg 100p^ Millionaire Traders - Kathy Lien and Boris Schlossberg 419p the wave principle of human social behavior and the new science of socionomics - Robert Prechter 473p R.N. Elliott's Masterworks - Robert Prechter 320p Conquer the Crash - Robert Prechter 318p Elliott Wave principle - key to market behavior -Frost & Prechter 256p The Complete Elliott Wave Writings (1994) - Robert Prechter 209p ELLIOTT WAVES A COMPREHENSIVE COURSE ON THE WAVE PRINCIPLE- Robert Prechter 74p Elliott Wave Basics -Robert R. Prechter 46p Peak Price Not Peak Oil- Robert Prechter 26p Elliott Waves Principle -111p Trading in the Zone - Master the Market with Confidence, Discipline and a Winning Attitude -Mark Douglas 209p 7 Winning Strategies for Trading Forex -Grace Cheng 261p Way of the Turtle- The Secret Methods that Turned Ordinary People into Legendary Traders -Curtis Faith 313p The Compleat Day Trader - Jake Bernstein 242p Street Smarts -High Probability Short-Term Trading Strategies- Linda Bradford Raschke 224p New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems- Welles Wilder 121p Forex Trading for Maximum Profit - Raghee Horner and Jeffrey Alan Brandzel 217p candlestick and pivot point trading triggers - John L.Person 369p secrets for profiting in bull and bear markets -stan weinstein 358p Pit Bull - Lessons from Wall Street's Champion Day Trader - Martin Schwartz 289p Beginner's Guide to Short-Term Trading 301p Complete Guide to Trading Tactics -HT Profit Using Pivot Points, Candlestick ,Indicators - John L Person 287p A Short Course in Technical Trading- Perry J. Kaufman 339p A Trader's Money Management System~ How to Ensure Profit and Avoid the Risk of Ruin 227p adventures of a currency trader rob booker - wiley- 230p Beat the odds in the forex trading- I. R. Toshchakov 225p Candlestick Charting Explained 2006- Gregory L Morris 299p Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns - Thomas N. Bulkowski 345p Fibonacci Trading - HT Master Time and Price Advantage 2008 intermediate level- Carolyn Boroden 321p Forex Patterns and Probabilities -Trading Strategies for Trending and Range-Bound Markets - Ed Ponzi 271p Getting Started in Candlestick Charting -2008 by Tina Logan 266p Getting Started in Currency Trading -Winning in Today's Hottest Marketplace- (2008)- Michael D. Archer 306p market in profile- Profiting from the Auction Process -James F. Dalton 225p Mastering The Trade - by John F Carter 406p Mind over Markets -James F. Dalton 350p New Trading Systems and Methods -Perry J. Kaufman 942p secrets of a pivot boss- franklin ochoa 388p Sentiment in the Forex Market - Indicators and Strategies To Profit from Crowd Behavior & Market Extremes-Jamie Saettele 211p. Sniper Trading Workbook -George Angell 103p Technical Analysis from A to Z -Steven B. Achelis 233p The 10 Essentials of Forex Trading- The Rules for Turning Trading Patterns Into Profit -Jared Martinez 236p The Best Trendline Methods Of Alan Andrews - Patrick Mikula 96p Trade Your Way To Financial Freedom -Van K Tharp 343p Trading By The Book - 1994 -Joe Ross 377p Trading with DiNapoli Levels - The Practical Application of Fibonacci Analysis to Investment Mark- Joe DiNapoli 319p Trend Trading for a Living - Learn the Skill and Gain the Confidence to Trade for Living- Thomas K. Carr 360p Turning Losing Forex Trades Into Winners- Proven Techniques to Reverse Your Losses -Gerald E. Greene 238p Value in Time - Better Trading Through Effective Volume -Pascal Willain 401p Winning the Trading Game - Why 95% of Traders Lose & What You Must Do To Win -2008 by Noble DraKoln 307p The Traders Book of Volume -The Definitive Guide to Volume Trading- Mark Leibovit 2011 -467p Swift Trader - Perfecting The Art of Day Trading -Charles Kim 243p Investing with Volume Analysis- Identify, Follow, and Profit from Trends -Buff Pelz Dormeier 353p Trading Options to Win - Profitable Strategies and Tactics for Any Trader by Stuart Johnston 318p The commitments of traders bible- How To Profit from Insider Market Intelligence -Stephen Briese 310p The encyclopedia of technical market indicators second edition -Robert W. Colby 833p Technical Analysis From A To Z -Steven B. Achelis 122p Dynamic Time and Price Analysis of Market Trends- Bryce Gilmore 193p The Master Swing Trader -Tools and Techniques to Profit from Trading Opportunities- Alan Farley 377p The W.D. Gann Method of Trading- A Simplified, Clear Approach -Gerald Marisch 210p Commitments of Traders - Strategies for Tracking the Market and Trading Profitably- by Floyd Upperman 222p The ART of Trading -Combining the Science of Technical Analysis with the Art of Reality-Based Trading- Bennett A. McDowell 324p Forex Wave Theory - A Technical Analysis for Spot and Futures Curency Traders by Jim L. Bickford 241p The 7 Chart Patterns That Consistently Make Money -Ed Downs [Paperback] 71p Dave Landry on Swing Trading - Dave Landry 234p Trading Without Gambling - Develop a Game Plan for Ultimate Trading Success - by Marcel Link 273p Forex Trading Secrets - Trading Strategies for the Forex Market- by James Dicks 337p Trading the Line -How to use trendlines to spot reversals and ride trends 47p 12 Simple Technical Indicators That Really Work -Mark Larson 43p forex manual For Successful Trading 141p 7 Habits of a highly succesfull rader -Mark Crisp 31p Trading to Win- The Psychology of Mastering the Markets - Ari Kiev 134p The Way To Trade -John Piper 304p How to Design and Construct An Effective Trading Plan- norman hallett 71p Simple & Consistent -Fibonacci method 22p intraday timing for low risk swing trading -walter bressert 20p currency trading for dummies 52p 21 candlesticks every trader should know - by Melvin Pasternak 83p The Best Trendline Methods Of Alan Andrews & 5 New Trendline Techniques -2002 By Patrick Mikula 96p A Practical guide to Swing Trading -Larry Swing 74p Forex Study Book FOR SUCCESSFUL FOREIGN EXCHANGE DEALING 69p Super Divergence 20p 5 winning chart patterns every daytrader needs to know 30p Original Turtle Trading Rules- Curtis Faith 38p Practical Fibonacci Methods for Forex Trading 31p Best Times to trade 8p 3 Line Price Break Charts- Suri Duddella Breakouts and Micro Trendlines- Al Brooks Price action lines- Al Brooks 5 Minute to Fame in the E-mini - Al Brooks Failed Flags -Al Brooks Reversals- Al Brooks Price Action Fundamentals- Al Brooks Trading off the prior bar - Al Brooks Trading channels for profit - Al Brooks Mastering Elliott Wave - Glenn Neely with Eric Hall 168p Elliott Wave Simplified -Cliff Droke 129p elliott wave principle -robert balan 94p How to Identify High Profit Elliott Wave Trades in Real-Time - Myles Wilson Walker 153p Applying technical analysis in Elliot Waves-Advanced 182p New Elliott Wave Rule - Achieve Definitive Wave Counts - TS Hennessy 2009- 40p How to trade fast moving Bear Market -Wayne Gorman 62p The Basics of the Wave Principle -Wayne Gorman 150p Elliot Wave Theory 47p Discovering how to use The Elliot Wave Principle 11p Robert Prechter the Elliott Wave Theorist Gold-and-Silver-Club-Ebook 22p A CAPSULE SUMMARY OF THE WAVE PRINCIPLE 120p Technical Analysis Course [Trading] Gann - Elliott Wave Theory- Trader's World Magazine 199p Elliott Wave Unveiled -Traders World Magazine 150p Independent investor book -ElliottWave International- 118p Independent investor ebook -Elliott Wave International 76p How the Eliott wave principle can boost your forex success -ElliottWave International How you can find High Proaility Trading opportunity Using Moving Avgs -ElliottWave International How the wave principle can improve your trading -ElliottWave International The Eleven Elliott Wave Patterns trader's classroom collection 1 - mar 2002 sep 2004 -71p trader's classroom collection 2 - oct 2004 Jan 2006 -57p trader's classroom collection 3 - feb 2006 apr 2007 -46p trader's classroom collection 4 - Mar 2007 Apr 2008 -43p لو تختار أي كتاب أن رح أدرجه هنا بالموضوع تحياتي |
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